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Municipal elections in parts of Neubrandenburg

On Sunday, in one of the three polling stations in Neubrandenburg, a choice must be made. The reason: incorrect ballot papers in the first round.

In the first round of voting, one candidate was not listed on the ballot, another candidate was...
In the first round of voting, one candidate was not listed on the ballot, another candidate was listed doubly.

False ballots - Municipal elections in parts of Neubrandenburg

In some neighborhoods of Neubrandenburg, a run-off election for the city council takes place on Sunday (8:00 AM). Approximately 15,700 eligible voters in the district one are called to the polling station. It is one of three electoral districts in the third largest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Neubrandenburg has around 60,000 inhabitants.

Error Ballots

The reason for the delayed election: In the ballots for district one, which were initially sent out for the postal vote on June 9th, there was a printing error. One candidate was not listed, while another candidate was listed twice.

Since this error could lead to incorrect election results, the Interior Ministry of the State decided to postpone the election in district one. According to the city administration, the election results for the Neubrandenburg city council are supposed to be determined and made public by the election committee in the days following the run-off election.

In the affected neighborhoods of Neubrandenburg, residents living in district one will participate in the run-off election for their commune's council on Sunday. Despite the inconvenience caused by the postponement, eligible voters are still expected to cast their ballots at their designated polling stations. The print error in the original ballots, leading to a candidate's omission and another's doubling, necessitated the intervention of the Interior Ministry of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Postponing the election in district one was their decision to prevent potential incorrect election outcomes.

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