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Multitudes protest in Kenya over contentious tax legislation

Emotions escalated.

Thousands demonstrate in Kenya against controversial tax law
Thousands demonstrate in Kenya against controversial tax law

Multitudes protest in Kenya over contentious tax legislation

Crowds have flooded the major urban centers of Kenya, voicing their discontent over a contentious new tax legislation. The mob's size was most considerable in Nairobi, where lawmakers were set to conduct a third reading of the bill. Authorities barricaded the routes to the parliament with water cannons and trucks.

Originally, a significant bulk of lawmakers had granted preliminary approval to the bill last week, but now it centers on the proposed amendments.

The Kenyan atmosphere has escalated to boiling point. It's not just the widespread fear of increased living expenses due to the law that's fueling the tension. The recent demise of two young demonstrators last week has deeply affected the public. The vast majority of protest participants have maintained a peaceful demeanor, but the police resorted to tear gas again on Tuesday.

Several human rights associations have condemned the police's aggressive tactics in the past week. Journalists and legal professionals have also encountered obstacles in executing their duties.

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