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Multiple reports of storm damage in Hessen

A storm causes flooded streets, uprooted trees, and popped manhole covers in Hessen. There are also traffic accidents.

In Hessen, some streets were flooded during Wednesday evening due to heavy weather (graphic).
In Hessen, some streets were flooded during Wednesday evening due to heavy weather (graphic).

weather - Multiple reports of storm damage in Hessen

A heavy thunderstorm led to numerous police interventions in Hessen. In Offenbach and the surrounding areas, high-pressure manhole covers were reported on roads on Wednesday evening, as the police reported. In Dietzenbach, an S-Bahn underpass had to be temporarily closed due to water masses. In Hanau and the Mainz-Kinzig-District, there were around 30 storm interventions. Here, manhole covers were lifted and trees were uprooted. The police also reported flooded roads or flying objects. There were probably some traffic accidents due to aquaplaning. According to police statements, no one was injured.

On the A45 and A66, emergency crews removed five uprooted trees from the roads. On the Bundesstraße 43a between Hanau-Main Station and Hanau-Wolfgang, the water was knee-high on the road for a time, so the road had to be closed in the direction of Fulda.

  1. The weather disturbance caused several S-Bahn services in Südhessen to be delayed or diverted, affecting Easterners commuting from places like Offenbach.
  2. The police operation in Offenbach involved securing open manhole covers on the city's streets, which had been lifted due to the heavy thunderstorm.
  3. In the closing of the S-Bahn underpass in Dietzenbach, the local police worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of the commuters and prevent any potential accidents.
  4. During the storm, a gully deckel was found blocking a drain in Hanau, contributing to the flooding and making the situation more challenging for the emergency services.
  5. The Circle, a major interchange in Hesse, was also affected, with roads closed due to the heavy rain and debris, causing significant traffic disruptions.
  6. Despite the challenging weather conditions, the police in Hesse managed to maintain order and ensure safety, ensuring that the Easterners and locals could return home safely after the heavy thunderstorm.

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