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Moscow's Defense Minister phones with the USA

The USA intend to station weapons systems in Germany that reach far into Russia. Now, US Defense Secretary Austin and his Russian counterpart have phone called.

After the announcement of the deployment of US long-range rockets in Germany, Russian Defense...
After the announcement of the deployment of US long-range rockets in Germany, Russian Defense Minister Belousov and his US counterpart Austin spoke on the phone.

Relations USA-Russia - Moscow's Defense Minister phones with the USA

In light of possible new tensions, Russian and American defense ministers held a brief phone conversation. The topic of preventing security threats and reducing the risk of a potential escalation was raised, according to the Russian Defense Ministry regarding the conversation between Minister Andrey Belousov and Lloyd Austin. The US Minister emphasized the importance of maintaining communication lines.

No reason for the talk was given. However, it became known at the NATO summit in Washington that the USA plans to station weapons systems in Germany again from 2026, which can reach out to Russia.

These are expected to include Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of up to 2500 kilometers, which can technically be nuclear-armed, as well as SM-6 air defense missiles and newly developed hypersonic weapons. Russia and China reacted angrily to the announcement.

Following the phone call between Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov and Lloyd Austin, there were concerns about increasing conflicts in Ukraine. The United States of America announced its intention to deploy weapons systems in Germany from 2026, potentially escalating tensions with Russia. After learning about this decision, Moscow and China expressedly expressed their displeasure. In response to these developments, Lloyd Austin underscored the necessity of continuing open lines of communication.

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