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Moscow entices foreign fighters: Sri Lanka seeks 800 soldiers' return.

Deceptive assurances given

Numerous men are said to be fighting on the Russian side who did not know that they would be...
Numerous men are said to be fighting on the Russian side who did not know that they would be deployed at the front.

Moscow entices foreign fighters: Sri Lanka seeks 800 soldiers' return.

Rumors abound in Russia, and it appears they're forming a disturbing pattern. The nation seems to entice men from impoverished countries with phony aid positions and then dispatches them as invaders to Ukraine. Reports claim at least 800 men have been impacted. Sri Lanka is fighting for the return of its citizens.

Sri Lanka aims to retrieve hundreds of its locals from the Ukrainian conflict. Police in Sri Lanka allege that 800 men were misled into joining the Russian side. These men were reportedly uninformed of their whereabouts and were not permitted to leave by their superiors.

As a result, Vice Foreign Minister Tharaka Balasuriya is set to confer with a Russian deputy defense minister in Moscow next week, the Sri Lankan embassy in Moscow informed the public. This meeting is hoped to facilitate the men's repatriation, it's said.

Reports from the police indicate that the majority of the affected men were guaranteed a monthly salary of 1 to 1.5 million rupees (approximately 3,000 to 4,600 euros) or even more for comparatively safe aid work. In truth, however, these men were shipped off to the war zone and didn't receive the promised money - a hefty sum compared to usual Sri Lankan income. Most of the enlistees were formerly employed soldiers, as per police reports. Thus far, 20 people have been apprehended for allegedly arranging these operations.

Other accusations against Russia for enlisting men for combat missions echo from Nepal, India, Cuba, and Syria. In early March, a young Indian perished in Ukraine while combatting alongside the Russians. His sibling declared he'd vanished for two months, and later reported from Rostov-on-Don that he'd been transported to the front. Another Indian managed to flee from the Russian troops, conveying that his younger brother had been executed and perished from his injuries.

Nepal announced in February that 200 of its nationals were deployed as Russian fighters in Ukraine. The state has reportedly lost 14 of these individuals. The government in Kathmandu insists that Moscow return the men. The newspaper "The Hindu" alleged 100 Indians had been affected too.

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Following these allegations, the Indian government has expressed concern over the safety of its citizens in Ukraine, with reports of an Indian citizen losing his life during the conflict.

In light of Russia's actions, Nepal has called for the return of its nationals who have reportedly been deployed as fighters in Ukraine.

Amidst these tensions, Russia continues its military aggression against Ukraine, drawing criticism from governments around the world.

