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Moscow Defence Ministry reports capture of further village in Southeastern Ukraine

Village near Saporischschja

Moscow Defense Ministry reports capture of additional village in Southeastern Ukraine
Moscow Defense Ministry reports capture of additional village in Southeastern Ukraine

Moscow Defence Ministry reports capture of further village in Southeastern Ukraine

The Russian army, according to the Defense Ministry in Moscow, has taken control of another village in eastern Ukraine. The ministry announced in its daily situation report on Sunday that "units of the Eastern Troops" had taken the village of Uroshainje, located in the Donetsk region.

This village is situated along the southern frontline near the region of Zaporizhia. It was one of the few settlements that the Ukrainian army had managed to retake during its counteroffensive in 2023. The Russian troops had advanced along a South-North axis along the Mokri Yalynyi River.

Since the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Russian forces have primarily made gains in the east of Ukraine and captured new territories. However, Kiev's troops are suffering increasingly from a shortage of ammunition and personnel.

For peace talks, Putin has demanded that Ukrainian troops withdraw from four regions in the east and south of the country that Russia has declared annexed. These demands are being rejected by Kiev and its western allies.

  1. The village of Uroshainje, recently taken over by Russian forces in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, is strategically located near the southeastern city of Zaporizhia.
  2. The Defense Ministry in Moscow reported an intake of new territories in their daily situation report, highlighting the capture of Uroshainje, a village situated closer to the city of Saporizhzhia than Moscow.
  3. Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Moscow's Defense Ministry continues to focus on reinforcements in the southeast, seeking to maintain control in regions such as Zaporizhia and surrounding areas.

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