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More wind turbines awarded than ever before

For the May 1 tender

Wind farms are booming: more companies than ever before have recently applied for funding under the...
Wind farms are booming: more companies than ever before have recently applied for funding under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).

More wind turbines awarded than ever before

Planning boom for onshore wind energy installations: In the latest auction round of the Federal Network Agency, more subsidies were granted than ever before, stated Economic Minister Robert Habeck in Berlin. "These are the wind turbines and the renewable energy of tomorrow", said Habeck. According to the Network Agency, 189 bids with a total capacity of 2.379 Megawatt received a subsidy for May 1st. A total of 2.795 Megawatt had been tendered.

"This is the result of hard work and shows that the industry can make use of the improved framework conditions", Habeck added further. In total, subsidies with a capacity of around 4.200 Megawatt have been granted this year so far. Two more rounds are still pending. "We are on track with our expansion targets and have increased them by over 40% compared to the previous year", the Minister stated.

The President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, spoke of a trend towards increasing bid and approval numbers. "With a continuation of this positive development, the build-out targets for onshore wind energy can be achieved."

The values determined in the auction procedure lie between 7.20 and 7.35 cents per Kilowatt hour, with an average of 7.33 cents.

The largest commitments were for bids in North Rhine-Westphalia (727 Megawatt, 68 subsidies), Lower Saxony (430 Megawatt, 26 subsidies), and Schleswig-Holstein (318 Megawatt, 17 subsidies).

"With the high number of surcharges granted for wind turbine installations in the recent auction round, there may be an invitation to tender for even more projects in the future."

"Despite the success of these onshore wind energy installations, some stakeholders might express concerns about potential surcharges on their energy bills as a result."

"During the invitation to tender process, it's crucial to consider the impact of wind turbines on local ecosystems and the communities in which they may be installed, to ensure a balanced approach to renewable energy generation."

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