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More than half of Germans contemplate participating in voluntary services.

Survey Results Revealed by GfK

Poll workers receive a so-called refreshment allowance for their work, which can usually be...
Poll workers receive a so-called refreshment allowance for their work, which can usually be collected tax-free.

More than half of Germans contemplate participating in voluntary services.

Almost two-thirds of Federal citizens reckon they could take on a voluntary role. A study released by GfK Research for the Stiftung Zukunftsfragen on a Thursday in Hamburg shows that 64% are open to voluntary work. This openness is particularly evident among those under 30, with around 74% considering taking part in a voluntary service for the common good.

Despite this willingness, the foundation points out that this potential is not being realized in practice. Only around 14% of Germans are said to be actively involved in voluntary projects at least once a week, and 27% participate monthly. A startling 62% of the population apparently don't engage in any volunteer work at all.

The reasons for this, according to the survey, include work and personal commitments, along with a perceived lack of recognition from political entities, businesses, and society. The study was conducted online for the Stiftung Zukunftsfragen between May 23 and June 3, surveying 2000 people aged 18 and over.

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A German citizen who is under 30 is among the nearly three-quarters of individuals in this age group who express a strong interest in volunteering for a common good. Despite this, only about a third of German citizens, as indicated by the GfK survey, are currently actively participating in voluntary projects at least once a week or monthly.

