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More mishaps with E-Scooters

UnfallsWith E-Scooters happen more frequently. Particularly, an age group is affected.

The number of fatalities due to E-Scooter accidents has doubled (archive image).
The number of fatalities due to E-Scooter accidents has doubled (archive image).

Traffic - More mishaps with E-Scooters

Young people are particularly often involved in accidents with E-Scooters. According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 42 percent of injured E-Scooter riders were under 25 years old in the previous year. Therefore, about 80 percent of the victims were under 45 years old.

The police registered a total of 9,425 E-Scooter accidents with personal injury in Germany in 2023 – an increase of 14.1 percent compared to the previous year (8,260 accidents). There were also twice as many fatalities (22 deaths) compared to the previous year (11 deaths).

1,220 people were seriously injured and 8,911 were lightly injured. The majority (83 percent) of the victims were riding the E-Scooter themselves, including 21 of the 22 fatalities.

Driver misbehavior is often the cause of accidents

According to statisticians, most accidents occur in large cities - around 60 percent of all E-Scooter accidents were registered in cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants.

The Federal Office named the wrong use of the roadway or sidewalk and driving under the influence of alcohol as the most common causes of accidents.

Unreported in the accident statistics were accidents caused by carelessly parked E-Scooters. In some cities, parking is now only allowed on collection parking lots.

  1. The high number of E-Scooter accidents among young people in Germany leads to significant statistics at the Statistical Federal Office.
  2. Interestingly, Wiesbaden also records a high proportion of accidents involving E-Scooters, aligning with the national trend.
  3. Traffic authorities and the Police are closely monitoring the increase in E-Scooter accidents, particularly in densely populated areas.
  4. To better understand the trend, the Police and the Statistical Federal Office are working together to investigate and categorize the causes behind these E-Scooter accidents in Germany.

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