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More guardianships by youth offices in Saxony

In particular, when child custody is withdrawn, the youth welfare office often assumes guardianship for a child or adolescent. This number has increased again.

The guardianship offices in Saxony have again taken on significantly more guardianships (graph).
The guardianship offices in Saxony have again taken on significantly more guardianships (graph).

welfare of children - More guardianships by youth offices in Saxony

The youth offices in Saxony took on more guardianships for children and adolescents last year than in previous years. According to the Statistical Office, the youth offices took on 3,813 guardianships in 2023. The number of guardianships was higher only in the years 2016 and 2017, with 4,424, respectively 3,816. A guardianship arises when parents are unable or not authorized to care for minors. The majority of guardianships were taken over after the termination of parental care. In fewer cases (267), a guardianship was established after the birth of a child by an unmarried minor mother or with the release of a child for adoption.

The increase in guardianships for children and adolescents in Saxony is a concern for the welfare of these young individuals. The Youth Office in Kamenz, a city in Saxony, also saw an increase in such cases last year. The authorities, including the Social Services, are working diligently to ensure the best interests of these children under guardianship. The Youth Office in Saxony, particularly in Kamenz, plays a significant role in this regard, providing support and guidance to these children and their guardians.

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