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More good weather for 'Klassik am Odeonsplatz' on day two

The Classik am Odeonsplatz music spectacle attracts thousands of spectators to Munchen's city center every year. Due to a cancellation caused by bad weather, the audience had better luck on day two.

8000 people have placed at 'Klassik am Odeonsplatz'
8000 people have placed at 'Klassik am Odeonsplatz'

Open-Air Event - More good weather for 'Klassik am Odeonsplatz' on day two

Thousands of spectators came to the Open-Air event "Classik am Odeonsplatz" in the Munich city center. The concert had to be canceled on Friday due to a storm in the middle of it. However, the audience - including actress Uschi Glas, musician Leslie Mandoki and Munich's former mayor Christian Ude (SPD) - had better luck the next day. It started raining only shortly before the end of the concert. Some then quickly left their seats during the encore.

Before that, the spectators had listened to the sounds of the Munich Philharmonic and their designated chief conductor Lahav Shani under a covered sky, without the rain from the previous day. The orchestra presented, among other things, film music from John Williams in collaboration with star violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter. Mutter welcomed Shani to Munich and also spoke briefly about the concert hall debate in the Bavarian state capital. In the run-up to the concert, Mutter had criticized the cultural policy of the state government.

According to a spokesperson, the event had once been canceled due to bad weather - namely in the year 2007 - and was completely canceled in 2010. Occasionally, the intermission had also been shortened to avoid a rainstorm.

8000 people can attend "Classik am Odeonsplatz" every evening. The event, which has been taking place every July weekend since the year 2000, has always been sold out in previous years.

The cancellation of the concert on Friday brought a brief dip in the spectators' happiness, but it was quickly restored the next day. Munich's bad weather seemed to have a special affection for the event, as it had once caused a complete cancellation in 2007 and shortened intermissions due to rainstorms. Despite this, the Classic at Odeonsplatz remained a beloved event in Bavaria, consistently selling out annually. Even actress Uschi Glas, musician Leslie Mandoki, and former mayor Christian Ude (SDP) of Munich could not miss the enchanting music performances. The orchestra's rendition of John Williams' film music, performed in collaboration with Anne-Sophie Mutter, added another layer of happiness to the event, despite a brief rainfall at the end.

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