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More foreign professional degrees in healthcare professions

The number of recognized foreign professional degrees in healthcare is increasing. The number of pharmacies in Berlin is decreasing. For both topics, the responsibility lies with the Health Department.

The Health Department also focuses on pharmacies (archive image)
The Health Department also focuses on pharmacies (archive image)

Health professions in Berlin - More foreign professional degrees in healthcare professions

The number of foreign vocational training certificates recognized in Berlin for health and nursing professions is increasing. The Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (Lageso) announced this in relation to the presentation of its annual report. The authority made a total of 2,712 such decisions last year, of which 492 were approvals, 326 were permits, 506 were permits to use professional designations, and 1,388 were so-called determination notices. The number was reportedly about a third (35%) higher than the previous year.

Top One in Nursing Care

The increase is reportedly also due to the high number of simplified determination notices for group applications in the context of recruitment projects for foreign nursing staff. This number was over 600 higher than in 2022. The number of applications also significantly increased - by a quarter (25%) compared to the previous year to about 3,100.

The largest share falls on the health and nursing profession (39%) and the doctor's profession (33%). Only a smaller part concerns training in EU countries (13%), the vast majority concerns those from so-called third countries (87%).

Fewer Pharmacies

Another important area of the Lageso is the supervision of pharmacies in Berlin. According to the data of the authority, their number has significantly decreased - from 862 in 2013 to 718 in 2023.

At the same time, the average number of people served per pharmacy in Berlin has significantly increased from 4,080 (2013) to 5,401 persons in the previous year. The number of regular inspections in Berlin pharmacies rose from 175 (2022) to 187 in the following year. Pharmacies have the legal obligation to properly supply the population with medicines. The observance of these regulations is monitored by the Lageso.

  1. The Regional Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) in Berlin also oversees healthcare facilities, including pharmacies, to ensure they are providing essential medicines to the population.
  2. Foreign professionals seeking to practice in Berlin's healthcare field, such as in nursing or pharmacy, need to obtain recognition of their professional diploma from Lageso to legally practice.
  3. The Berlin Regional Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) has recognized an increased number of foreign vocational training certificates for healthcare professions, including pharmacy, leading to a higher availability of health services.
  4. The recognition process for foreign healthcare professionals in Berlin involves decisions such as approvals, permits, and permits to use professional designations, which are all handled by Lageso.
  5. A professional diploma from a university or a recognised vocational training certificate is essential for individuals who wish to join the Care profession, including healthcare and pharmacy, in Germany.

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