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More Democrats urge Biden to withdraw

"The clock is ticking"

Biden has since made it clear on several occasions that he intends to stick to his candidacy.
Biden has since made it clear on several occasions that he intends to stick to his candidacy.

More Democrats urge Biden to withdraw

US-President Biden is fighting for his presidential campaign, as calls for him to withdraw are growing louder among Democrats. The coming days are expected to be decisive.

While US-President Joe Biden tries to dispel doubts about his fitness during campaign appearances, his supporters are putting pressure on him to reconsider his re-election plans following the botched TV debate with Donald Trump. Senator Chris Murphy told CNN that the upcoming week would be crucial. "I think the president needs to do more," Murphy said.

Representative Adam Schiff told NBC that Biden needs to act quickly to quell concerns. Schiff dismissed demands for a withdrawal as "nonsense" in an email the previous day. Biden's interview with ABC News on Friday did little to alleviate critics' and donors' concerns.

Five representatives have already called on Biden to drop out, including Angie Craig from Minnesota. After the TV debate with Trump and Biden's lackluster response, Craig expressed doubt that Biden could effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump. Today, Alan Clendenin from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) urged Biden to withdraw. "Joe Biden will be remembered by historians as one of the best presidents in US history, but this election is about the next four years, not the last three," Clendenin said. The DNC has also supported Biden since the TV debate.

Rumors among Democrats in the House of Representatives suggest the circulation of two letters urging Biden to withdraw. The pressure could increase in the coming days as representatives return from their recess and decide on the continued financing of Biden's campaign.

Biden said in an ABC interview on Friday that he didn't believe anyone was better qualified to beat Trump. Surveys reflecting growing concerns among Biden's allies mirror inaccurate polls. According to a Reuters/Ipsos survey, nearly one-third of Democratic supporters are urging Biden to drop out of the race. Several influential donors and business leaders have already expressed their displeasure publicly. They threaten to halt the financing of the campaign.

Biden: "Never been more pessimistic about America's future"

Biden is currently campaigning in the state of Pennsylvania for Wahlkampfauftritte. "I've always been open about never being more pessimistic about America's future," Biden said in a historically predominantly black church in Philadelphia, where he was warmly welcomed. "If we hold on. I mean that seriously." Biden read his speech from a manuscript with a powerful voice and rarely deviated from the text.

Democratic representatives from the House of Representatives plan to meet today before the congressional session in Washington to discuss the campaign and Biden's candidacy. In the event of Biden's withdrawal, many Democrats see Vice President Kamala Harris as the most likely candidate for the election on November 5. Biden himself said in the ABC interview that only God could move him to withdraw.

In light of the growing criticisms and calls for withdrawal, Senator Chris Coons from Delaware, a prominent Democrat, has voiced his support for President Joe Biden's re-election bid in the US presidential election 2024. Meanwhile, democratic strategist Jim Carville has suggested that the Democrats should consider a different candidate if Biden doesn't address the concerns surrounding his presidency in time for the election.

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