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More cargo handling in Kiel Harbor

Kiel Harbor continues to increase in Throughput. Cruise business also went well in the first half of the year, despite fewer call-ins.

In the first six months of this year, 3.8 million metric tons of cargo were handled in the Kiel...
In the first six months of this year, 3.8 million metric tons of cargo were handled in the Kiel harbor.

shipping - More cargo handling in Kiel Harbor

The Kiel Harbor reported a slight increase in cargo handling in the first half of the year, despite the general economic downturn. A total of 3.8 million tons of cargo were handled in the first six months, which is a 2% increase compared to the same period last year. The harbor achieved its best result ever in 2023 with a total of approximately 7.9 million tons of cargo and other goods handled.

Harbor CEO Dirk Claus sees positive signals. "It is a strong signal for our business that we continue to see a growth trend in many parts of our cargo handling business, even in these rather challenging economic times."

Since the beginning of the year, cruise ships have visited the Kiel Harbor 82 times, which is six fewer visits than in the first half of 2023. However, the number of passengers increased by 2% to 380,000. The harbor also reported an increase of 1.3% in ferry passengers, with a total of 728,000 passengers. Ferries depart daily from Kiel to Oslo, Norway, and Gothenburg, Sweden. Additionally, the ferry route between Kiel and the Baltic region is showing promising development, according to harbor operators.

  1. The Kiel Harbor, situated in the northwestern German state of Schleswig-Holstein, is known for its significant role in the region's shipping industry, often handling a large volume of cargo.
  2. Despite the Economic weakness affecting many industries, the Kiel Harbor managed to report a 2% increase in cargo handling during the first half of the year, largely due to the growth in shipping activities.
  3. The Kiel Harbor continues to attract a steady flow of passengers from various destinations, with ferries departing daily to Oslo, Norway, and Gottenburg, Sweden, further boosting the economic vitality of the harbor in Schleswig-Holstein.

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