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More and more attacks on municipal politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia

Insults, insults and bodily harm: Aggressions and violence against local politicians are increasing. This was also evident in the European election.

Attacks on local politicians are increasing
Attacks on local politicians are increasing

Violence against local politicians - More and more attacks on municipal politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia

Municipal politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia are becoming increasingly targeted. The number of politically motivated crimes against municipal councilors or volunteers rose from 31 in 2019 to a peak of 161 in 2020, according to the Interior Ministry. The number of offenses then decreased but remained at 75 in 2023. An answer from the Interior Ministry in response to an SPD-Landtagsfraktion inquiry revealed this information.

In the first five months of this year, there have already been 23 offenses recorded against municipal office holders or representatives. The most common offenses were Insults. Following that were Extortions and Threats. In some cases, there were also Bodily Harm offenses.

Party offices are also being damaged

Damage to property, theft, and other Crimes against commercial offices or party headquarters have increased since the Corona Pandemic. In 2020, there were still 60 offenses recorded, which then decreased during the pandemic and rose again to 58 in 2023. In the first five months of this year, 35 offenses against party institutions have already been reported.

Protecting municipal politicians better

Recently, attacks on politicians during the European Election campaign sparked a debate about better protection for municipal councilors and volunteers from violence. Politicians from various parties have long complained about the increasing coarsening of political debate. They report insults, verbal attacks, defaced posters, and threats.

The party-less Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, who herself survived an assassination attempt by a right-wing extremist, has called for better protection for female politicians and politicians on a local level.

The North Rhine-Westfalia Criminal Investigation Office (LKA) recorded a total of 265 attacks against party members and representatives or against party buildings or institutions for the previous year. In 2022, there were significantly fewer with 182.

  1. The SPD-Landtagsfraktion in North Rhine-Westphalia brought up concerns about the increase in politically motivated crimes, including insults and bodily harm, affecting municipal politicians.
  2. During the European election campaign, several incidents of violence and threats against municipal politicians led to discussions about enhancing protection for local councilors and volunteers.
  3. The Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, who is not affiliated with any party, has advocated for improved security measures for female politicians and those serving at the local level due to rising criminality.
  4. Following the Corona Pandemic, instances of damage to party offices, theft, and other crimes against commercial offices or party headquarters saw a slight increase, with 58 incidents reported in 2023.
  5. In response to the rise in criminality, the North Rhine-Westphalia Criminal Investigation Office (LKA) took action and saw a decrease in attacks against party members, representatives, and their institutions in 2022, with only 182 incidents recorded.

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