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Months of hunger experienced by kids due to parents' inflicted penalties.

Two young girls went without proper nutrition for several months at the hands of their parents. In a severely emaciated state, child welfare officials took them into protective custody. The parents now face prison time, but how did the situation escalate to such severity?

The two parents (r), who starved their children for months, wait for the trial to begin - their...
The two parents (r), who starved their children for months, wait for the trial to begin - their lawyer next to them.

Illegal Activities - Months of hunger experienced by kids due to parents' inflicted penalties.

Over the past month, parents in the Lower Rhine area have been starving their two children, leading to both receiving prison sentences of varying lengths. The father was given 3.5 years, while the mother received 2 years and 9 months at the District Court in Moers.

It is speculated that these parents intentionally disregarded their children's needs, potentially for several years. When officials took custody of the girls in 2021, they were already in a life-threatening position due to malnutrition. The parents blamed their inability to care for their children on feeling overwhelmed. The sentences are not yet finalized.

Upon further inspection, the girls' state was compared to those of malnourished children from impoverished regions. They were incapable of walking or speaking properly, with bloated bodies weighing 8.4 kg and 10.2 kg. They were initially administered artificial feeding.

The timeline of disastrous conditions in the family home in Kamp-Lintfort is unclear to police and justice officials. However, it's certain the girls had been severely malnourished for several months, according to doctors. The girls were found to have been left alone in their cribs for extended periods.

The parents partially admitted guilt, with the father stating, "I've failed miserably." He claimed to have prepared only soups and ready-made meals for the children due to their gastrointestinal problems. But doctors argued that this would not have resulted in their severe condition.

Despite this, the judge determined that the parents were indeed withholding food and care from their children. "There was food available. Their pantry was full," the presiding judge said. "There was significant selfishness, as their need for rest and well-being was prioritized over their children's."

The defense vehemently opposed the charge of malice. They claimed the parents simply could not cope with the situation. However, the court disagreed.

The girls are currently flourishing in foster care. They are expected to face long-term repercussions resulting from malnutrition and neglection.

Trial aftermath: Girls 'blooming' in foster care, long-term damage expected

Relevant Image: https://trial-of-malnourished-girls-blooming-in-foster-care.jpg

According to updates, the two girls are thriving in foster families. However, their recovery process will likely be prolonged as they face the lifelong consequences of malnutrition and neglect.

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