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Modi: "Every Indian considers Russia a friend"

Warm words for Putin

In his speech, Modi described Putin as a "friend".
In his speech, Modi described Putin as a "friend".

Modi: "Every Indian considers Russia a friend"

India maintains traditional good relations with Russia. For the first time since the large-scale attack on Ukraine, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has traveled to Moscow. At his meeting with Putin, he expressed warm words for the Kremlin chief and his country.

The bilateral relationship is based on "mutual trust and mutual respect", said Modi. He also praised Putin's leadership qualities. "Every Indian considers Russia a friend of India in good and bad times," Modi said in his speech in Hindi while sitting next to Putin.

At the same time, Modi called for dialogue to achieve peace. He told Putin, "as a friend, I have also said that peace is of the utmost importance for the next generation of our future." Modi made these remarks during his speech in Hindi.

"War cannot solve problems," said the Indian Prime Minister. "We must find a way to peace through dialogue." Furthermore, he said, "when innocent children are murdered, when one sees them dying, it hurts the heart and this pain is unbearable." In Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, a children's hospital was hit by massive rocket attacks the previous day.

Ukraine Conflict Discussed

They spoke about Russia's offensive in Ukraine. As it is usual between "true friends", they had "sat together and discussed a range of issues", said the Indian Prime Minister. He was "happy" that "we were able to openly and in detail express our views on the Ukraine issue."

Modi arrived in Moscow on Monday for a visit. It is his first visit to Russia since the beginning of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. Just a few hours before, Russia had again bombarded its neighbor with massive rocket attacks. Over thirty people were killed nationwide. The attacks were sharply criticized internationally.

Historically, India has good relations with Russia. Russia is still the largest weapons supplier to India and also supplies India with cheap oil. The subcontinent also maintains good relations with Western countries, which are increasingly working with India due to China's increasingly aggressive behavior. At the same time, Western countries are urging India to distance itself from Russia. Russia's proximity to China is a thorn in India's side.

  1. Despite the ongoing Attack on Ukraine, India, traditionally having good relations with Russia, sent its Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Moscow for discussions.
  2. During his meeting with Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi acknowledged Russia's role as a friend of India, even in challenging political situations like the Ukraine conflict.
  3. Despite the disapproval from Western countries, India, under the leadership of Narendra Modi, continues to maintain strong ties with Russia, as Russia remains a significant supplier of weapons and oil to India.

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