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Missing 13-year-old girl found again

Information from the public

The police searched for the missing girl with a large contingent.
The police searched for the missing girl with a large contingent.

Missing 13-year-old girl found again

Breathing again after great worry: A 13-year-old girl from Mechernich, North Rhine-Westphalia, is on her way to a closed school and does not return home. The police are searching for the girl in North Rhine-Westphalia with a helicopter and dogs and are asking for help from the population. The missing girl has reappeared.

The missing girl from Mechernich, for whom a search had been conducted in the past few days, has re-emerged safely. The schoolgirl was found by police in the Rhein-Sieg-District and handed over to her parents, according to the police. The crucial tip came from witnesses who were alerted by the public search. No further information on the background will be given for the protection of the child. The police in Euskirchen thanked the public for their assistance in the search.

The police had been searching for the missing 13-year-old girl in the Eifel region with a large contingent. According to police reports, a helicopter and tracking dogs were involved in the search. The police suspected that she was in a helpless situation. The girl only speaks broken German and is not familiar with the surroundings, it was said. She had no cell phone with her. According to the police, the 13-year-old had told her parents on Monday morning that she was going to school - but the school was closed due to report conferences.

Witnesses saw her get on a bus at the Mechernich bus station and walk towards school on foot. She did not return home afterwards. A classmate reported seeing the missing girl in Cologne on Monday.

The International School in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the girl was supposed to attend, was not affected by the closed schools due to the report conferences. Despite this, the girl still did not show up, leading to her disappearance. The police had to also consult with international authorities, considering the girl's unfamiliarity with the surroundings and broken German. Despite the missing girl being found, the police continue to urge vigilance, as there are still many unaccompanied children at risk in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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