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Minister President Haseloff leads 79 triplet sponsorships

The tradition has been around for almost two decades: the Prime Minister takes on the honorary godparenthood for triplets. Six babies have now been added to the list.

Minister President Reiner Haseloff takes over the sponsorship of triplets in Saxony-Anhalt if the...
Minister President Reiner Haseloff takes over the sponsorship of triplets in Saxony-Anhalt if the parents apply for it.

Family - Minister President Haseloff leads 79 triplet sponsorships

Ministerpresident Reiner Haseloff (CDU) is himself a father and grandfather - additionally, he is the godfather of numerous triplets from Sachsen-Anhalt. Since today, he has been leading a total of 79 triplet godfatherships, as the State Chancellery announced. Two more children, Adriano, Benedikt and Charlie Salomon, were born on July 17, 2023 in Halle. Their parents, Elena and Roland, also received the certificate from the Ministerpresident. The triplets were born on December 29, 2023 in Magdeburg. In the previous year, Haseloff took on two triplet godfatherships.

Wolfgang Bohmer initiated the tradition in 2005

The tradition of triplet godfatherships was initiated by Wolfgang Bohmer (CDU), the then Ministerpresident, in 2005. The gynecologist, who helped bring thousands of children into the world before his political career, wanted to express his special bond with families who have triplets, quadruplets or quintuplets. With the godfathership comes a one-time contribution of 1400 Euro per child. The amount has never changed.

When Haseloff became Ministerpresident in 2011, he took over the existing godfatherships from his predecessor. The oldest triplets from the godfatherships are now 19 years old, as the State Chancellery reported on request. 21 children from 7 families have grown up. Until the age of 18, there are birthday greetings. Godfatherships for quadruplets or even quintuplets have not been granted so far.

Shared activities with godchildren

Ministerpresident Reiner Haseloff has also undertaken common activities with his godchildren in the past years - from going to the cinema to playing in the afternoon. There are no plans for this year, it was stated.

Biological parents or single biological parent guardians can apply for the Ministerpresident's godfathership for multiples - starting from triplets. The condition is that the children live with them and their main residence is in Sachsen-Anhalt. The application must be submitted within one year of the birth at the Youth Office of the Landesverwaltungsamt.

  1. Despite being a busy government figure as the Ministerpresident of Saxony-Anhalt and a father and grandfather, Reiner Haseloff has taken on 79 triplet godfatherships, as shared by the State Chancellery.
  2. Following in the footsteps of his predecessor Wolfgang Böhmer, who initiated the tradition in 2005, Reiner Haseloff continues to serve as a godfather to numerous sets of triplets, quadruplets, or quintuplets, with a one-time contribution of 1400 Euro per child.
  3. Last year, Reiner Haseloff added two more sets of triplet godchildren to his family, Adriano, Benedikt, and Charlie Salomon, born on July 17, 2023, and another set born on December 29, 2023, in Magdeburg.
  4. Ministerpresident Haseloff has also enjoyed shared activities with his godchildren, from watching movies to playing in the afternoons, although no such plans have been announced for this year.
  5. Parents interested in applying for Reiner Haseloff's godfathership for multiples must ensure their biological children or single parent guardians live with them and their main residence is located in Saxony-Anhalt, with applications to be submitted to the Youth Office of the Landesverwaltungsamt within one year of the birth.

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