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Minister: Planning beyond 2.1% target for Wind Power

The Bund demands that 2.1 percent of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's state area be allocated for wind energy by 2032. The state government recommends planning beyond that. The Greens are jubilant.}

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, more than the 2.1 percent of the state area demanded by the Federal...
In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, more than the 2.1 percent of the state area demanded by the Federal government for wind power is planned, says Economic Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD). The Greens rejoice.

Areas for wind turbines - Minister: Planning beyond 2.1% target for Wind Power

The state government recommends designating Wind energy areas beyond the 2.1-percent quota set by the federal government. Economic Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) stated in the parliament that the planning areas should be larger, as some areas could be withdrawn in later negotiation processes. If, in the end, more than 2.1 percent of the land area remains for wind energy in a planning region, "perhaps 2.2 or 2.3 percent," the state government will not object, according to the minister.

The Greens want even more area

The Greens welcomed Meyer's statement as a significant paradigm shift. "We need more than 2.1 percent of the state's area for wind energy areas," says Green parliamentarian Hannes Damm. "We welcome that Minister Meyer has finally confirmed today that this will soon be possible." In his view, the expansion should cover 2.7 percent of the state's area when accepted locally. "Only then will the energy transition be robust and cost-effective," Damm says.


The state government's recommendation includes exploring the potential for wind energy in regions of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beyond the designated 2.1% quota, such as near Schwerin. The Alliance 90/The Greens have proposed an even more ambitious plan, aiming for wind energy areas to occupy 2.7% of the state's total land area. In response to this proposal, Reinhard Meyer, the state government's Economic Minister, has suggested that if negotiations result in more than 2.1% of the state's land being allocated for wind power, the government will not object. In the State Parliament, Green parliamentarian Hannes Damm advocated for this expanded energy plan, stating that it would strengthen the state's energy transition and make it more economically viable.

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