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Millions of households could generate electricity cost-effectively on the roof of their own apartment building

IW study

Millions of households could generate electricity cost-effectively on the roof of their own...
Millions of households could generate electricity cost-effectively on the roof of their own apartment building

Millions of households could generate electricity cost-effectively on the roof of their own apartment building

Millions of households in Germany could economically produce electricity on the roof of their own multi-family houses. This is based on a study by the Institute of the German Economy (IW), which was obtained by the Funke Media Group newspapers. According to this, however, this possibility is hardly used.

Out of the total 19 million households in multi-family houses, up to 14.3 million could reportedly benefit from so-called tenant electricity. According to the survey, there is a tenant electricity potential of 43 Terawatt-hours (TWh). The total electricity generation through solar systems, according to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, was 61 TWh in the last year.

  1. Despite the fact that the IW study reveals that up to 74% of households in apartment buildings in Germany could produce electricity on their rooftops, currently, this potential remains largely untapped.
  2. The installation of solar panels on the roofs of multi-family houses could significantly contribute to reducing household electricity bills for millions of households, as suggested by the comprehensive study carried out by the Institute of the German Economy.
  3. The underutilization of the solar energy potential on the roofs of apartment buildings, capable of generating over 43 TWh of electricity annually, according to the IW study, highlights the necessity of promoting renewable energy adoption among households.

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