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Military authorities apply influence on Scholz prior to encounter with Zelenskyy

Ukraine has a strong interest in obtaining the German-Swedish air-to-ground cruise missiles known...
Ukraine has a strong interest in obtaining the German-Swedish air-to-ground cruise missiles known as Taurus.

Military authorities apply influence on Scholz prior to encounter with Zelenskyy

Germany and the USA refuse Ukraine's plea to utilize delivered weaponry against Russian territory-based objectives. Politicians from the Greens, FDP, and Union now advocate for Kyiv to shift strategies. The delivery of Taurus cruise missiles is once more under consideration.

In advance of the consultation between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Green, FDP, and Union foreign and defense specialists have petitioned for the provision of German weaponry systems with extended reach to Ukraine. "We must substantially boost the provision of air defense, ammunition, and long-range weaponry to Ukraine," stated Green representative Anton Hofreiter to the Düsseldorf "Rheinische Post." "Range limits on delivered weapons do not encourage de-escalation, but rather permit additional Russian attacks," the Green representative warned.

"Ukraine is sinking, and we're still merely throwing it life preservers to keep it from drowning," criticized the chairwoman of the defense committee in the European Parliament, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann. "Why is this federal chancellor not ready to contribute his share to help pull Ukraine out of the water?" She anticipates that Zelensky will emphasize to the chancellor once more that in the event of a Ukrainian defeat, it would not be the final war in Europe, the FDP politician added.

CDU defense expert Johann Wadephul reiterated his request for German cruise missiles to be available to Ukraine. "The delivery of Taurus would be a considerable aid. The successful Ukrainian attacks on Russian depots deep in the rear using cruise missiles with comparable striking power demonstrate this."

Zelensky's Arrival in Berlin

Zelensky is scheduled to arrive in Berlin as part of his tour through various European capitals. As per data from Kyiv, a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is set for 2:30 PM. Throughout his European tour, Zelensky is advocating for additional assistance from Western partners in the fight against Russian invasion forces. Ukraine has persistently requested more fighter jets and improved air defense from its Western allies to safeguard its population, given the superior Russian air force.

Zelensky has been compelling the USA and Britain for months to permit the use of weapons delivered by them against objectives far on Russian territory. So far, the USA and countries like Germany have only authorized attacks on targets within Russia using their weapons for areas immediately adjacent to the eastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv.

On Thursday, Zelensky met with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte in London. Subsequently, he met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris before proceeding to Rome to meet with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

The European Court of Justice could potentially be involved in this issue, as some politicians argue that the range limits on delivered weapons are not promoting de-escalation but rather allowing for additional Russian attacks.

During Zelensky's meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he is expected to once again press for the authorization of using Western-delivered weapons against Russian objectives beyond the territorial boundaries of Eastern Ukraine, a request that Germany and other nations have so far denied.

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