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Miersch assumes control, yet Klinghaxe is required to extract it

In partnership, Spielmann-Klingbeil from Lower Saxony and Miersch will spearhead the SPD's federal...
In partnership, Spielmann-Klingbeil from Lower Saxony and Miersch will spearhead the SPD's federal election campaign efforts.

Miersch assumes control, yet Klinghaxe is required to extract it

The sympathies pour in for Kevin Kühnert's health-related departure, but the SPD's sorrow is held in check. Matthias Miersch, a powerful figure on the party's left, steps in as Kühnert's replacement, setting the stage for the upcoming federal election campaign. However, another individual holds the reins.

The traffic light coalition seems to be axing its younger generation: Following the resignations of Greens' prospective leader Ricarda Lang and co-chair Omid Nouripour, SPD secretary-general Kevin Kühnert also resigned. Both Lang and Kühnert were seen as rising stars within their respective parties. Despite departing without seeking a Bundestag seat, Kühnert's superiors, Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil, attributed his mental health issues to the pressures of political life. Despite the empathy, the SPD's mourning for Kühnert remains restrained.

In the more influential right-wing group aligned with the Seeheimer Circle, Kühnert never enjoyed popularity. Kühnert gained notoriety in 2017 with his anti-Grand Coalition campaign, which ultimately led to a vote on the SPD's participation in a federal government led by the CDU and CSU. Kühnert also sparked dissent against Olaf Scholz as a potential party chair and backed the winners of the membership vote, Esken and Norbert-Walter Borjans. Kühnert was ultimately named Klingbeil's successor in 2021 after Klingbeil himself ascended to the party leadership.

In his new position, Kühnert displayed visible struggles: As secretary-general, he was expected to publicly defend the traffic light coalition while personally clashing with the FDP's positions and style. The European election campaign, which largely contributed to Kühnert's woes, ultimately proved disastrous. The Willy-Brandt-Haus's response to poor election results in Saxony and Thuringia - "Fighting is worth it!" - was met with internal discontent within the party. Kühnert's public statements about his own experiences of discrimination as a gay man in the streets of Berlin also sparked resistance within the party.

In the end, the former party luminary failed to navigate his elevated role within the party. Attempts to position Kühnert as Klingbeil's long-term successor faltered. Klingbeil, who served as general secretary for four years from 2017, continues to bear the primary responsibility at the party headquarters, Willy-Brandt-Haus.

A Man for Tough Challenges

With Matthias Miersch, however, plenty of experience now inhabits the general secretary position. Much like Kühnert, Miersch is a prominent advocate for the party's left. Miersch was previously tipped as a successor to faction leader Rolf Mützenich before Mützenich opted to continue. Miersch, a constituency MP from Hanover's suburbs, is recognized for his climate and energy policies. As a lawyer, he took a leading role in negotiating the Heating Act for the SPD. Miersch often emphasizes his role in making the law more functional and socially acceptable than initially planned.

Miersch entered the Bundestag in 2005 and later succeeded Gerhard Schröder as the SPD district chairman of Hanover. During Schröder's 60th anniversary of party membership, Miersch delivered the laudatio. Earlier, fellow party members had unsuccessfully called for Schröder's expulsion due to his close relationship with Russian President and war criminal Vladimir Putin. Miersch defended Schröder's honoring, citing his historical accomplishments as Chancellor and Minister President of Lower Saxony, as well as the importance of diverse opinions within a democratic society.

Lower Saxony's Power Grows

His new assignment, however, will prove particularly challenging: saving Olaf Scholz's Chancellorship, unlike Miersch's warm feelings towards Scholz as the spokesperson of the Left Parliamentary Group. "A daunting challenge" was his characterization during his presentation, pledging his loyalty while also assuring Scholz that he wouldn't be a simple yes-man.

The brief familiarization period, despite his extensive experience and network within the fraction and party, will pose difficulties. The board aims to outline the federal election strategy as early as next week. Miersch suggested that much of the campaign had already been prepared under Kühnert. With Kühnert's departure, more power and responsibility shift back to Klingbeil, the party's undisputed leader. Both Klingbeil and Miersch share a strong connection to Lower Saxony, which has long been a powerful center of the party. In addition to Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil and Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius, influential budget politician Dennis Rohde and Pistorius' state secretary Siemtje Möller also belong to the state association. Möller, who served as spokesperson for the Seeheimer Circle, was later succeeded by Lower Saxony MP Marja-Liisa Völlers. Lower Saxony, with Social Democrat Stephan Weil at its helm, remains the last SPD stronghold among federal states.

Born in Lower Saxony but raised in Hamburg, Scholz eventually became the city's first mayor. The Hamburg state election on March 2 serves as a precursor to the federal election on September 28, and management of this election falls to Miersch and Klingbeil, the latter being credited as the mastermind behind the Bundestag election victory in 2021. Klingbeil consistently insisted that the election would only be decided in the final weeks before voting, a prediction that proved true despite early write-offs of Scholz by many journalists.

The SPD's Economic Focus

The SPD faces challenges in addressing their perceived strategic weakness, as social issues are currently out of favor. Although Miersch is known for his social and environmental demands, he can effectively promote the SPD's stance on raising the minimum wage. However, Klingbeil emphasized that the election would focus on economic growth and industrial jobs.

The SPD is lacking in prominent figures in the field of economic competence, a void made more apparent by Germany's economy entering recession for a second consecutive year in 2024. Miersch could potentially fill this gap, but his support for an industrial electricity price, which contradicts Scholz's stance, could complicate matters. He envisions an active role for the state, either in securing industrial jobs or investing in infrastructure.

Migration and internal security are not Miersch's strong suits. However, his legal battles led to permanent residency rights for a Bosnian-Herzegovinian family facing deportation, giving rise to Adis Ahmetovic, the SPD parliamentarian from Hannover. Miersch may use this story to counter criticism of his stance on immigration.

Potential Coalition Hurdles

The possibility of another coalition with the Union after the Bundestag election is unappealing for climate politician Miersch, who opposed a grand coalition in 2017. He's critical of the Merz-CDU, calling it a statement of his opposing beliefs. Miersch advocates for debt brake reform and taxation of large fortunes, voting against the debt brake's introduction due to insufficient investments for a socially balanced transition to renewable energy.

Despite their differences, Miersch is respected by conservatives. CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann praised their collaborative efforts in the grand coalition. Miersch, being in a registered partnership, also appeals to the younger generation through his active use of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Paraphrased text:

Scholz hails from Lower Saxony but spent his formative years in Hamburg, eventually rising to become the city's first mayor. The upcoming Hamburg state election on March 2 serves as a rehearsal for the federal election on September 28. Klingbeil, along with the more seasoned Miersch, will assume responsibility for this election, with Klingbeil's strategic prowess attributed to the Bundestag election victory in 2021. Despite predictions of the SPD's chancellor candidate Scholz's downfall by many journalists, Klingbeil's foresight proved accurate.

The SPD grapples with addressing its current unpopular stance on social issues. Miersch, known for his social and environmental demands, can easily represent the party's election theme of a substantial increase in the minimum wage. However, Klingbeil emphasized that the election focus would shift to economic growth and industrial jobs.

The SPD lacks prominent figures in the field of economic competence, a void exacerbated by Germany's economy entering recession for a second consecutive year in 2024. Miersch may emerge as a strong voice in this arena, given his knowledge on these topics, but this could lead to conflict with Scholz due to their differing views on industrial electricity pricing.

Migration and internal security are not Miersch's strengths. However, his legal battles resulted in permanent residency rights for a Bosnian-Herzegovinian family facing deportation, leading to the rise of Adis Ahmetovic, the SPD parliamentarian from Hannover. Miersch may leverage this story to counter criticism of his stance on immigration.

Coalition with the Union after the Bundestag election is an unappealing prospect for climate politician Miersch, who opposed the grand coalition in 2017. He criticizes Merz-CDU, viewing it as a direct affront to his beliefs. Miersch advocates for debt brake reform and the taxation of large fortunes, voting against the debt brake's introduction due to insufficient investment for a balanced transition to renewable energy.

Despite their differing views, Miersch is respected by conservatives. CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann attributes their past collaborative efforts in the grand coalition to Miersch's political acumen. Miersch's use of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with a younger demographic is also noteworthy.

Despite his accomplishments as the SPD district chairman of Hanover and his role in negotiating the Heating Act, Miersch's new assignment as general secretary will be challenging due to the necessity of saving Olaf Scholz's Chancellorship. The brief familiarization period with the party's upcoming federal election strategy will pose difficulties, despite Miersch's extensive experience and strong connections within the party.

Reminiscing about the tumultuous departure of Kühnert, the 'sound of the waves' can still be heard, a metaphor for the relentless pressure and choppy waters of political life in Germany. Despite departing without seeking a Bundestag seat, Kühnert's mental health issues were attributed to these pressures, leading to a restrained mourning within the SPD.

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