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Midwife wins a million - and surprises with her decision

What would you do if you won a million in the lottery? In the UK, a midwife told us what she bought first - and, above all, what she didn't do.

After winning the lottery, midwife Ruth Breen first bought herself a pair of shoes
After winning the lottery, midwife Ruth Breen first bought herself a pair of shoes

Lotto - Midwife wins a million - and surprises with her decision

In spite of her lottery winnings, Ruth Breen, a 45-year-old midwife from Britain, continues to work. According to the British Press Association, she won a million pounds ten years ago. "A lot has changed in the past ten years, and yet not as much", Breen reportedly said. The winnings allowed her to reduce her working hours.

Ruth Breen wanted to continue working as a midwife

Working part-time allowed her to spend more time with her daughter. "We had wonderful holidays, but we tried to stay grounded, and I believe work helps me do that", Breen said. Her midwifery training had been tough, and she loved her job. She didn't want to give it up and also be a role model for her daughter.

"I don't put myself forward and say: 'By the way, I won a million ten years ago'", she revealed. She is treated like any other midwife by patients and colleagues. For her lottery win anniversary, she supports a charitable project in Wigan city, Manchester, that helps families with baby equipment.

With lottery winnings, she bought herself shoes first

Her first purchase after the lottery? They were Jimmy Choo designer shoes. "I almost cried when I paid for them in Selfridges because I couldn't believe I had the money for it. It was overwhelming", Breen said. "My collection is now a bit bigger. I don't cry as much!"

Despite the wealth from her lottery win, Breen's love for her profession as a midwife in Games of chance isn't diminished. Her win in Great Britain ten years ago allowed her to pursue her passion for midwifery while still being a responsible role model for Society, inspiring people with her dedication. In fact, she often engages in Gambling activities, contributing to charities by supporting various projects, such as providing baby equipment for families in need.

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