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Michelle Obama could beat Trump, but she will not do it

Former First Lady for President?

Michelle Obama at a appearance at a military base in Florida in May.
Michelle Obama at a appearance at a military base in Florida in May.

Michelle Obama could beat Trump, but she will not do it

Michelle Obama would defeat Donald Trump in a presidency election according to a survey. However, the former First Lady has made it clear that she does not want to.

Following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race, the question arises as to who will be the Democratic Party's presidential candidate instead. Many indications point to Kamala Harris taking over, but her candidacy is not yet certain. It is also uncertain whether Harris, who appeared rather pale as Vice President, has a real chance of defeating the Republican challenger Donald Trump.

However, there is one who could do it, even clearly: Michelle Obama. A recent survey shows that the former First Lady would have 50% of Americans behind her if she ran against Trump. Trump would only receive 39% of the votes in this case.

Another argument speaks for Michelle Obama: 55% of US citizens have a positive opinion of her. According to the cited survey, only 42% have a positive opinion of Trump, and 38% of Biden. However, there is a catch: She has, as far as we know, no intention of running. Not at all. No chance.

She won't do it

Democrats have been calling for Michelle Obama for years to save the country from Trump. Similarly, she has repeated for years that she is not available as a presidential candidate - that she has no intention of entering politics. In response to the question of whether she had ever been seriously approached about a candidacy, Michelle Obama said in Jimmy Kimmel's talk show in 2018: "Constantly." But she had never had serious talks about it, "because it's not something I'm interested in or something I would ever do."

A year later, she said there was "zero chance" of her running, which is not the slightest chance. Elsewhere, Michelle Obama explained that politics was "nothing I ever chose for myself." In her book "Becoming," she writes: "I want to make it clear: I have no intention of ever running for office."

The fantasy of the media and the public has not been able to stop Michelle Obama. This is also due to the fact that it has become so difficult for the Democrats to find a candidate or a candidate that the entire party can rally behind. This is also the reason Biden initially wanted to run again.

Michelle Obama speaks to many voter groups

Due to the radicalization of the Republicans, the Democratic Party's political spectrum has grown even larger, reaching from left-wing politicians like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to conservative politicians like Senator Joe Manchin, who recently left the Democratic Party. This breadth also applies to the voters of the Democrats. Anyone who wants to be President must be able to address very different voter groups. This becomes more difficult, the more diverse society becomes. Public figures like Michelle Obama, who manage to do this despite this, are rare.

However, it currently looks like no one is challenging Harris for the Democratic nomination. Possible competitors have already announced their intention to step aside. Certainty, however, will only be brought by the Democratic Party Convention in August, where the new presidential candidate will be officially nominated.

*The text first appeared on July 4 and was slightly revised.

  1. The surveys suggest that Michelle Obama could potentially win the United States Presidency Election 2024 against Donald Trump, with 50% of Americans backing her, compared to Trump's 39%.
  2. Despite the overwhelming support in surveys, Michelle Obama has consistently mentioned that she has no intention of entering politics or running for the US Presidency Election 2024.
  3. During the United States Presidency Election 2016, Donald Trump faced strong opposition from Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's popularity remained high among the Democrats.
  4. Michelle Obama's ability to connect with various voter groups, coupled with her popularity in surveys, makes her a strong contender for the Democrats in the 2024 US Presidency Election, as the party grapples with its political diversity.
  5. The former First Lady, who has a positive opinion of 55% among US citizens according to surveys, has repeatedly declined running for the US Presidency Election 2024, citing political disinterest and her desire to focus on her family and personal life, as stated in her book "Becoming" and various interviews.

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