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Merz: Support Ukraine with delivery of combat jets too

Before the classical summer interview in ARD, there is a format where viewers can ask questions. The guest is the CDU chief. The topic also includes Ukraine and the chancellor candidacy.

CDU-Chief Merz argues for delivery of combat aircraft to Ukraine
CDU-Chief Merz argues for delivery of combat aircraft to Ukraine

Summer interview - Merz: Support Ukraine with delivery of combat jets too

CDU Chairman Friedrich Merz has spoken in favor of stronger support for Ukraine to counteract the Russian offensive war - and the delivery of combat aircraft. Merz stated in the ARD format "Ask Yourself": "It seems plausible to me that we should help Ukraine at least to regain control of its own airspace. These rocket attacks, which are now taking place in ever greater numbers, against infrastructure, against power and water supply, against hospitals, nursing homes, we cannot get this under control from the ground alone. And that's why the delivery of combat aircraft to Ukraine is already a done deal in many countries around the world, including in Europe. We, as Germans, should not step back."

NATO countries want to speed up the equipping of Ukraine with western combat aircraft. The transfer of F-16 jets is already in progress, the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark announced in a joint statement at the NATO summit in Washington on Tuesday. These machines could still be used for defense against the Russian offensive war this summer. The delivery involves F-16 jets from American production, provided by Denmark and the Netherlands.

Merz sets criteria for the chancellor candidacy

Merz was also asked about his support for CSU Chairman Markus Söder as the CDU's chancellor candidate for the 2025 federal election - specifically because of his poor polling numbers. "In all modesty, I allow myself to refer to the fact that I am among the top five in Germany in the polls," Merz replied. The question of the chancellor candidacy will not be decided solely based on polls. In response to a question about criteria, Merz said: "Personal abilities, also life experience, leadership experience, and a vision of Germany." Regarding leadership experience, he said he had led the largest opposition faction in the Bundestag for the second time and had leadership experience outside of politics.

Merz and Söder have agreed to make a decision on the chancellor candidacy together in the fall. Merz is considered a clear favorite.

  1. Friedrich Merz, the CDU chairman, advocated for enhanced aid to Ukraine to confront the Russian offensive war and deliver combat aircraft.
  2. Merz expressed his views during a summer interview on ARD's "Ask Yourself," stating that ground control alone cannot manage the increasing rocket attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure, hospitals, and utilities.
  3. The delivery of combat aircraft to Ukraine for defensive purposes is already underway in various countries, including European nations.
  4. NATO members are expediting the equipment of Ukraine with western combat aircraft, with F-16 jets being transferred, as announced by the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark at the NATO summit in Washington.
  5. The F-16 jets for Ukraine's defense will come from American production, with Denmark and the Netherlands providing some of the aircraft.
  6. Merz outlined his criteria for the chancellor candidacy, mentioning personal abilities, life experience, leadership experience, and a vision for Germany.
  7. In his view, Merz's polling numbers place him among the top five in Germany, but he believes that the decision on the chancellor candidacy should not solely rely on polls.
  8. Merz highlighted his leadership experience as the head of the largest opposition faction in the Bundestag twice and his experience outside of politics.
  9. Merz and CSU Chairman Markus Söder agreed to make a decision on the chancellor candidacy together in the fall, with Merz being commonly regarded as the favorite for the position.

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