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Merz remains open to potential coalitions with BSW.

Considering the outcome of the election.

Hendrik Wüst and Friedrich Merz do not fundamentally rule out cooperation with the BSW at state...
Hendrik Wüst and Friedrich Merz do not fundamentally rule out cooperation with the BSW at state level.

Merz remains open to potential coalitions with BSW.

In the context of a possible federal-level coalition with the CDU, party head Merz dismisses a partnership with Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW. He contends that their divergent economic and defense perspectives make it unfeasible. Nonetheless, he allows room for some form of collaboration.

Friedrich Merz, CDU leader, categorically rejects alliances with BSW at the state level. Noting that distinct choices are made in regional politics, Merz stated in an interview with MDR, "To discern the situation at the state level, one must examine the election results and determine which configuration emerges, and whether that governmental capability is both achievable and feasible there."

Earlier in the week, Merz had dismissed a federally-level compact with BSW. "It's out of the question that the Christian Democratic Union would craft a federal policy that includes Ms. Wagenknecht," he affirmed in MDR. He characterized her stance on economic policy and the Bundeswehr and defense needs as "radically different" from the CDU's. However, North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister-President Hendrik Wüst did not wholly preclude a state-level cooperation with the BSW.

Merz had stated during an interview on Monday that the CDU does not engage with "far-right and far-left parties." Sahra Wagenknecht's status as both can be characterized as such, said Merz: "She's right-wing on some issues, left-wing on others."

A group consisting of BSW and AfD lawmakers generated commotion in the Bundestag on Monday by almost skipping Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's speech. While most AfD legislators remained absent, none from the BSW participated in the session. Widely considered to be pro-Russian like the AfD, the BSW was under scrutiny for their absence during Zelensky's visit.

According to recent surveys, forming a government without the AfD, BSW, and the Left Party may prove challenging following the state elections in Thuringia, Saxony, and potentially Brandenburg. Despite this, the CDU unequivocally rejects coalitions with the AfD and the Left Party. Moreover, the CDU excludes working with the AfD, SPD, Greens, and FDP due to its right-wing leaning.

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