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Merz's rejection of the BSW could still pose challenges for the CDU's eastern German state...
Merz's rejection of the BSW could still pose challenges for the CDU's eastern German state associations.

Merz refuses to collaborate with BSW.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz has dismissed the idea of a partnership between his party and the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW). Asked if he would consider working with BSW to prevent AfD minister-presidents in the east, Merz replied on ARD's "Brennpunkt" that "we don't ally with right-wing and left-wing parties." He went on to say, "Mrs. Wagenknecht is right-wing in some places and left-wing in others."

Merz stressed that the CDU's goal is to achieve majorities. Upcoming state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia may complicate matters, as the AfD's dominance in the east could make coalitions more difficult. The popularity of the Wagenknecht party in eastern Germany could also make it a significant player.

BSW candidate for the European election, Fabio De Masi, responded angrily, calling Merz's stance "extremely petty." De Masi quipped that "perhaps Merz has not yet heard that there are many in the CDU who often call the BSW." He added, "We want to govern in the east!"

Merz's comments do not represent the views of all members of the CDU. In 2018, the CDU excluded coalitions or similar cooperation with the AfD and the Left Party through a party congress resolution. No clear stance has been taken on the BSW yet. The party unexpectedly rose to 6.2% in the European election.

Just a short while ago, Merz had refused to discuss partnerships with the BSW in the east during a ZDF interview. He stated then, "We don't hold coalition debates, not even within the party or publicly. We fight for the CDU." No discussions about coalitions should take place before election dates.

CDU deputy Karin Prien had not ruled out the possibility of a partnership with the BSW in the east in early May. Prien, who is also the Education Minister in Schleswig-Holstein, said at the time, "We will have to see who will represent the BSW and what their political goals are in their election program. Then we can decide if there's a basis for a partnership with the BSW at the local level." #cdu #saherawagenknecht #bachmann #merz

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