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Merz alleges that the traffic light is covertly implementing a embargo of military supplies against Israel.

Scholz denies the accusations levied against him.

Merz alleges that the traffic light is covertly implementing a embargo of military supplies against Israel.

During a lively debate in the Bundestag commemorating the first anniversary of a Hamas assault, Chancellor Olaf Scholz from the SPD declared Germany's impending supply of weapons to Israel. "Recent government decisions guarantee that we'll see additional deliveries soon," Scholz mentioned during the discussion focused on Hamas' radical Palestinian organization attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. Scholz refuted accusations from the CDU Chair, Friedrich Merz, claiming that the administration was denying such deliveries. Scholz clarified, "We haven't chosen not to supply arms. We have supplied arms, and we'll continue to supply arms." He affirmed the stance of the federal government, thereby invalidating Merz's claim. Scholz didn't disclose specifics regarding the planned weapons deliveries.

Previously, Merz mentioned possible fissures in Germany's commitment to Israel. During the debate, he pointed out that the federal government delayed numerous authorizations for weapons and even spare parts delivery to Israel for months. Merz acknowledged multiple instances "where the federal government declined the necessary approval for the delivery of necessary supplies and equipment that Israel urgently needed for self-defense," Merz argued. He questioned the significance of the government's solidarity statements under these conditions.

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Merz reportedly conveyed to him that the German administration advised Israel not to solicit weapons deliveries because "we'll deny it in any case." This tactic allowed the federal government to claim that no weapon delivery applications had been filed and thus no decision required.

SPD caucus leader Rolf Mützenich expressed disappointment and perhaps shock at Merz's claims. "I am left dismayed, perhaps even outraged, at how some are using this discussion to level serious accusations in this chamber," Mützenich observed, addressing Merz's allegations. Germany supports Israel through more than just weapons; the SPD politician continued. However, international humanitarian law must also govern the use of those materials, he added, reasoning that he couldn't comment on the particular instances due to the constraints of secrecy provisions.

Merz Touts Inside Information from Weapon Manufacturers

Merz reiterated his allegations and drew from information provided by the impacted firms. According to Merz, these firms have yet to receive government approval for their delivery requests for months. Merz posed, "What else is this but an actual denial of export licenses?" If political reasons lie behind this behavior, the government should be transparent about it instead of pretending to aid Israel, Merz concluded.

Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock previously emphasized the confidential nature of these decisions, which rest within the federal government's Federal Security Council. Baerbock referred to a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice. "Germany has explicitly stated that we deliver weapons to support Israel," Baerbock pointed out. Nonetheless, international law must also be adhered to.

Between March and August 21, the federal government didn't approve any exports of military weapons to Israel. This was evident from a series of responses from the Federal Ministry of Economics, in response to inquiries from Bundestag member Sevim Dagdelen of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW). The federal government also ascertained that there's no arms export blockade against Israel.

The European Union, as a key international actor, has expressed its concern over the escalating tension between Israel and Palestine, calling for diplomatic efforts and adherence to international law to resolve the conflict peacefully. In light of this, it's important to note that the debate in the Bundestag was not solely about Germany's weapons supply to Israel but also the broader implications of international relations and the role of nations in promoting peace and security.

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