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Merz proposes severing ties on asylum policy with the Greens and FDP, urging Scholz to take a...
Merz proposes severing ties on asylum policy with the Greens and FDP, urging Scholz to take a different approach.

Merz advocates for a separation from the Greens and FDP.

Following the incident in Solingen, opposition head Friedrich Merz pressures Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to sever ties with coalition allies Greens and FDP in refugee policy matters.

Merz, from the CDU/CSU party, asserted on Tuesday in Berlin that the German Bundestag holds sufficient votes to implement alterations in asylum regulations. He criticized Scholz, stating that the federal chancellor is losing grip over his nation. The focus should now shift towards resolving issues rather than identifying them or discussing what's not functioning.

Merz advocates for amendments in residence legislation or the Federal Police Act. He believes that the Union and SPD could implement these changes unilaterally, without considering the Greens and FDP's opinions. Yet, the Union is not exempt from blame as they share responsibility for the rise in uncontrolled migration in Germany. Merz therefore aims to tackle the issue collaboratively with those coalition members willing to cooperate. In a meeting on Tuesday morning with Scholz at the Chancellery, Merz proposed designating an individual from each side to draft proposals for far-reaching legislative changes. "Enough is enough," Merz concluded, "we must make decisions now."

The European Union and its Member States, including Germany, have a significant role in addressing the migration issue. Merz suggested collaborating with coalition members in the European Union to draft proposals for comprehensive legislative changes in this regard.

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