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Mercedes is once again investing more money in combustion engines than previously planned

Preliminary report published

Mercedes is once again investing more money in combustion engines than previously planned
Mercedes is once again investing more money in combustion engines than previously planned

Mercedes is once again investing more money in combustion engines than previously planned

Mercedes-Benz car manufacturer is focusing more on gasoline engines in its investments. According to a report published in "WirtschaftsWoche" on Thursday, Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Kaellenius stated that the company will invest "more money in combustion engines than previously planned."

In the passenger car sector alone, Mercedes will invest 14 billion Euros in research and development and in its factories, with a focus on digitalization, electromobility, and high-tech combustion engine technology in 2024. A significant portion of this investment will be made in Germany, particularly in Baden-Württemberg, Kaellenius told the magazine.

Rumors that there will be no new electric S-Class were dismissed by the manager. "The project is progressing at high speed," he said. Mercedes still aims to be "financially CO2-neutral by the end of the next decade," Kaellenius added. The carmaker had previously announced that it would only sell electric vehicles starting from 2030. However, due to the weak demand for electric cars, Mercedes is delaying its departure from combustion engines.

The preliminary report in "WirtschaftsWoche" reveals that Mercedes-Benz will invest more money in combustion engine technology than previously planned, as stated by CEO Ola Kaellenius. Regardless of this increased investment, Mercedes still plans to sell electric vehicles starting from 2030, as they aim to be financially CO2-neutral by the end of the next decade.

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