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Men injured with stabs in Stuttgart

Once again, people are stabbed in Stuttgart. This time probably after an altercation on Schlossplatz.

There has been an altercation on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz. (
There has been an altercation on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz. (

Police - Men injured with stabs in Stuttgart

Two men were injured, one seriously, at Stuttgart Castle Square. According to the police, the 21-year-old and the 33-year-old had gotten into an argument with a group of people in the night of Tuesday. In the course of this, the younger man was lightly injured, the older man severely. The motives were initially unclear. The weapon used was initially unknown to the police.

The suspected scene of the crime was outside the EM football championship fan zone. A witness had called the police. Upon arrival of the officers, the suspects had already fled. Two suspected perpetrators were found during the search. They were released after the conclusion of police measures. It remains to be determined by the police to what extent they were involved.

In the night of Monday, two travelers were injured in the waiting room of Stuttgart main station. A 26-year-old had attacked them with a knife.

Press release

  1. The police in Baden-Württemberg are investigating a stabbing incident in Stuttgart Castle Square, where two men were injured, one critically.
  2. The incident in Stuttgart Castle Square is being categorized as a potential crime, given the severity of the older man's stab wound.
  3. In a separate incident, a man in Stuttgart main station was apprehended for using a stitch in a knife attack on two travelers, causing minor injuries.
  4. Police officers in Stuttgart are continuing their search for possible links between the crimes in and around Stuttgart, such as the incident at Stuttgart Castle Square.

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