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Men fighting near Chancellery with knives

Late in the evening, a fight escalates amongst several men in Berlin. Four of them end up in the hospital.

In Berlin, a dispute between four men escalates (Picture)
In Berlin, a dispute between four men escalates (Picture)

Near Main Station - Men fighting near Chancellery with knives

In a dispute between ten to twelve men near Berlin's Main Station and the Chancellery in the evening, three men were severely injured by stabs according to police information. Another man suffered a shock. The men were reportedly on a green area in the Spreebogen Park near the Gustav-Heinemann-Bridge. The dispute had escalated. According to police reports, paramedics treated stab wounds on site for the three injured men, aged 27, 24, and 20. The 27-year-old underwent surgery, while the other injured men and the 24-year-old man who was in shock were taken to the hospital. Their lives were not in danger, the police added.

The other suspects fled unnoticed. The investigation is ongoing, the police stated further. The Gustav-Heinemann-Bridge connects the main station with the government quarter, including the Chancellery and Bundestag.

The incident of criminality near Berlin's Main Station and the Chancellory involved several men, which led to severe injuries and shock. The escalation resulted in three men being stabbed and another man suffering from shock. The police are investigating if the green area in the Spreebogen Park, close to the Gustav-Heinemann-Bridge, was connected to the crime scene.

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