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Medical professionals simulate a crisis response for the Euro 2020 football event.

During a potential disaster at the European Football Championships, resulting in hundreds of injured individuals, hospitals need to be prepared. In Berlin-Friedrichshain, medical professionals rehearsed this emergency scenario.

According to the health authorities, this unannounced exercise was the seventh hospital exercise...
According to the health authorities, this unannounced exercise was the seventh hospital exercise this year.

In times of trouble, authorities are prepared to respond quickly and efficiently. - Medical professionals simulate a crisis response for the Euro 2020 football event.

During the European Football Championship, what actions should be taken in case of an incident involving hundreds of injured individuals? In preparation for such a scenario, the Berlin Vivantes Clinic in Friedrichshain held a mock drill. The situation involved an explosion in a car near the fan mile on the Straße des 17. Juni, followed by a shooting spree, resulting in numerous injuries. A total of 93 people received treatment at the Vivantes Clinic in this practice session.

The Health Administration reported that this unplanned exercise was the seventh one this year, and it all seemingly had to do with the EM. In previous scenarios, the emergency response to an incident on the fan mile between Brandenburg Gate and Victory Column was also practiced.

Regular exercises are held at Berlin hospitals to ensure a smooth command and control system. The Health Administration confirms that the alarm procedure and the preparedness of a hospital's functional areas are evaluated during these drills. When the need arises, the Senate Department for Health assumes leadership.

Read also:

  1. In the event of an emergency during the European Football Championship, doctors at hospitals should prioritize treating the injured in an organized manner.
  2. The Berlin Vivantes Clinic in Friedrichshain was one of several hospitals that participated in a simulation of an EM-related emergency, involving a hospital exercise.
  3. EM stands for European Football Championship, and this year, the Health Administration organized seven emergency drills related to the event.
  4. Emergencies during soccer matches can be unexpected and chaotic, making it crucial for medic teams to react effectively and efficiently.
  5. The emergency scene simulated during the exercise involved a blast near the fan mile, followed by a series of shootings, resulting in a high number of casualties.
  6. Vehicle accidents or disasters can lead to numerous injuries, making it essential for hospitals to have well-prepared emergency responses in place.
  7. The Sophie Charlotte Clinic in Berlin is another facility that emphasizes regular emergency exercises to better prepare for critical situations, like natural disasters.
  8. In the scenario, medical staff had to work together with firefighters and police, demonstrating how different entities collaborate during emergencies.
  9. A carer's role in crisis situations is crucial in organizing human resources and ensuring the smooth operation of a hospital during an emergency.

