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Median income in Germany continues to rise

Regional Differences

The median income is the income at which an equal number of people have a higher and lower income.}
The median income is the income at which an equal number of people have a higher and lower income.}

Median income in Germany continues to rise

The median income for full-time employees in Germany has significantly increased in the past year. This was revealed in a study by the Federal Employment Agency. The so-called median wage rose by 4.1 percent or 150 Euro to 3796 Euro in 2023. This is not an average income. It describes the income at which there are as many people with higher incomes as with lower incomes.

Only the remuneration of socially insured full-time employees was taken into account in the statistics. The main reason for the increase was higher collective bargaining agreements. The gap between men and women has also grown slightly. While the median wage for men was slightly over 3930 Euro, women earned slightly less than 3563 Euro. The difference of 367 Euro is two Euro larger than in 2022.

In terms of federal states, the highest median wage was measured in Hamburg at 4304 Euro, followed by Baden-Württemberg with 4134 Euro and Hessen with 4087 Euro. The lowest median incomes were paid in the eastern German federal states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (3098 Euro), Thüringen (3109 Euro), and Sachsen-Anhalt (3152 Euro). The ranking is unchanged compared to the previous year.

The height of the income also plays an important role in education and age. Over 55-year-olds had a median income of 3860 Euro in 2023, while people under 25 years had a median income of only 2897 Euro. Academics earned 5688 Euro, while people without a diploma had a median income of 2831 Euro.

The social-economic employer association bpa noted that according to the statistics, caregivers and caregivers were the first to earn more than the median wage for all professions combined in 2023. For caregivers, it went up by 8 percent to 3901 Euro.

The significant increase in median income doesn't eliminate regional disparities in Germany, as the lowest median incomes are still observed in the eastern states.The differences in median wages between men and women in Germany have slightly widened, with men earning significantly more than women, despite the increment in median income.

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