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Media: Trump wants conviction in New York overturned

The highest US court has ruled in Donald Trump's favor. A short time later, the ex-president wants to capitalize on this - and win another legal victory.

Reaction to court ruling: Former President Trump wants his conviction overturned
Reaction to court ruling: Former President Trump wants his conviction overturned

Supreme Court - Media: Trump wants conviction in New York overturned

Previously US-President Donald Trump reportedly took steps to overturn his conviction in New York following the Supreme Court's recent decision on the immunity issue. Trump's lawyers reportedly sent a letter to the relevant judge in New York hours after the Supreme Court's ruling, according to CNN and the "New York Times," citing unnamed sources.

The lawyers reportedly asked the judge to postpone the scheduled sentencing on July 11. Trump's team referred to the US Supreme Court's decision that US Presidents enjoy broad protection from prosecution while in office. The move by Trump's lawyers was expected and likely to be unsuccessful, but could at least delay the sentencing of the penalty.

In a case involving the concealment of hush money payments to a porn star in New York, Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges by the jury a few weeks ago. This marked the first time in US history that a former president was convicted of a crime. Trump could face a lengthy prison sentence in the worst-case scenario.

Supreme Court decision could overturn electoral fraud proceedings

In another criminal case against a Republican, Trump's lawyers petitioned the Supreme Court to clarify whether former presidents can be charged with criminal acts committed during their tenure. The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that presidents enjoy broad immunity for official actions. This decision could potentially reverse the electoral fraud proceedings against Trump in Washington and also have implications for a similar case against the 78-year-old in the state of Georgia. The consequences for the case regarding the taking of classified government documents in Florida are still unclear.

However, the New York case is different, as it primarily concerns Trump's actions as a presidential candidate before the 2016 election. Trump had already failed in the past using the argument that the case concerned his presidency.

  1. Despite the Supreme Court's decision granting broad immunity to US Presidents for actions taken while in office, former US President Donald Trump continues to face criminal charges in New York.
  2. The New York Times reported that Trump's lawyers sent a letter to the New York judge, requesting a delay in Trump's scheduled sentencing following the Supreme Court's immunity decision.
  3. The Supreme Court's ruling could impact future elections, potentially shielding future US Presidents from facing criminal charges for actions taken during their term.
  4. The process of appealing the conviction and requesting a delay in sentencing is currently underway, with CNN and the New York Times providing updates on the developments.
  5. If Trump's conviction is overturned, it would mark a significant victory for Trump, potentially impacting public opinion leading up to the #USElection2024.
  6. While the Supreme Court's decision may provide some protection for US Presidents, it does not absolve them from facing criminal charges for crimes committed outside of their official capacity, such as in Trump's case in New York.
  7. The trial in New York, which concerns Trump's actions as a presidential candidate, is separate from the electoral fraud proceedings in Washington and Georgia, although the Supreme Court's decision could have implications for those cases as well.

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