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Mechanical engineering sees a rise in orders for the first time in 18 months.

Rock-bottom hit

Machines and systems worth a total of 50 billion euros were exported all over the world.
Machines and systems worth a total of 50 billion euros were exported all over the world.

Mechanical engineering sees a rise in orders for the first time in 18 months.

The machine manufacturing business, facing a prolonged downturn, has recently hit rock bottom. The German lock industry experienced a rise in orders this April for the first time in 1.5 years. The cause? A tempting demand from overseas markets, according to the Association of German Machine and Plant Builders (VDMA).

Despite this uptick, the VDMA wasn't overly thrilled. The growth rate was meager considering April 2023's figures. What's more, April 2024 actually had three additional workdays than the previous year. In the less volatile three-month period from February to April 2024, orders decreased by 9% in real terms compared to the preceding year. "We're more confident that the low point in order intake has been reached," stated Christoph Held, VDMA Chief Economist.

This industry, with a workforce of over a million and a 200 billion euro turnover, plays a crucial role in Germany's economy. It comprises a vast range of elements, from family-run enterprises to big public companies like Thyssenkrupp and Siemens.

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Despite the modest increase in orders, the mechanical engineering industry still struggled in the following years. At the bottom of the valley in 2025, a significant boost in orders from various mechanical engineering sectors was reported, indicating a potential recovery.



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