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Mayor of Bad Oeynhausen: "aggressive" mood

The fatal attack on a man in Bad Oeynhausen has reignited the debate about migrant criminals. The mayor of the town speaks of political instrumentalization.

Flowers, candles and handwritten messages of mourning stand by a tree in the Bad Oeynhausen spa...
Flowers, candles and handwritten messages of mourning stand by a tree in the Bad Oeynhausen spa gardens.

After attack - Mayor of Bad Oeynhausen: "aggressive" mood

The mayor of Bad Oeynhausen, Lars Bökenkroger (CDU), described the atmosphere in the city following the fatal attack on a 20-year-old as "aggressive and heated" in an interview with WDR. He spoke of a great emotional response to the topic. "Of course, that's understandable. But limits are being crossed. It's happening immediately, without knowing the backgrounds, that it's being politically instrumentalized."

An 18-year-old is suspected of attacking the 20-year-old in the city's spa park the previous week, resulting in the victim's death in the hospital. The Syrian suspect is in investigative detention for manslaughter and grievous bodily harm. Since then, the debate about criminal migrants has been rekindled.

"We have to talk openly about it," said Bökenkroger. "Of course, whether there is a connection between migration and crime. There have been a number of cases, and that's the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, there should be no prohibition on expelling such young people and it is necessary."

Faeser: Consecutive Expulsion of Criminals

"The perpetrator must be punished harshly," said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to the "Bild" newspaper. "It is clear that for young offenders and violent criminals, early intervention is necessary: Before they become increasingly violent, they need clear stop signals through swift criminal proceedings and visible sentences. We are also working intensively to be able to reinstate deportations of criminals to Syria again." Her sympathy goes to the family of the young man who was killed by the violence in Bad Oeynhausen.

"This renewed case of brutal violence makes clear: Uncontrolled and unregulated refugee influx overloads us not only, but also poses a serious security risk," said CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann to the "Bild". We need clear decisions in the areas of juvenile and knife crime, as well as the ability to deport criminals to Afghanistan and Syria.

  1. In the aftermath of the tragic incident, Mayor Lars Bökenkroger of CDU-governed Bad Oeynhausen expressed his concerns to WDR about the aggressive and heated atmosphere in the city, mentioning the politicization of the situation without knowing all the details.
  2. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), in response to the Bodily injury case in Bad Oeynhausen, emphasized the need for harsh punishment for the perpetrator and early interventions for young offenders and violent criminals, including clear stop signals and swift criminal proceedings.
  3. The attack in Bad Oeynhausen's spa park, which resulted in the death of a 20-year-old victim and led to grievous bodily harm charges against a Syrian suspect, has sparked renewed debate about the connection between crime and criminal migrants in Germany, with CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann advocating for stricter measures against juvenile and knife crime and the ability to deport criminals to Afghanistan and Syria.
  4. Following the incident, WDR broadcasted a series of discussions and in-depth reports about the role of crime in North Rhine-Westphalia, focusing on the city of Bad Oeynhausen and the topic of criminal migrants, sparking intense debates and emotions among the local population and the wider German public.

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