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Married couple finds corpse during gondola ride on the lake

A day to be remembered forever? That's for sure for a bride and groom in Ulm: They discovered a corpse during their gondola ride.

In this Ulmer Park, hidden amongst the trees, is the Upper Ausee. A man's body has now been found...
In this Ulmer Park, hidden amongst the trees, is the Upper Ausee. A man's body has now been found there.

Memorable wedding - Married couple finds corpse during gondola ride on the lake

A bride and groom discovered a corpse in the Upper Lake of Ulm during a gondola ride over the weekend. According to the police, the corpse was identified as a 32-year-old man who had been reported missing a week prior. The "Südwest Presse" had previously reported on the incident.

The 32-year-old had been at the Ulm Folk Festival with a friend – and then presumably disappeared on his way home, the police reported.

Bride and Groom Find Corpse in Ulmer Ausee

The search for the man was initially unsuccessful. This was mainly due to the fact that no one had an idea where to look for him, the "Südwest Presse" continued.

The police are currently investigating this as an accident. The bride and groom continued their celebration after the recovery of the corpse.

The tragic discovery took place in Bayern, specifically in the Upper Lake of Ulm. The incident brought an unexpected interruption to the wedding celebrations in Germany. Despite the grim finding, the bridal couple decided to proceed with their wedding festivities in Baden-Württemberg, showing remarkable resilience. The police in Ulm are still carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the corpse find, classifying it as an accident in their investigation.

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