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Mark Robinson's principal advisor opts to step down after CNN's disclosure

The key aide to North Carolina's controversial Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is set to depart, prompted by a CNN KFile expose revealing Robinson's use of a pornographic website's platform to post inflammatory and racist remarks.

On September 23, Monday, North Carolina's gubernatorial contender Mark Robinson addresses the press...
On September 23, Monday, North Carolina's gubernatorial contender Mark Robinson addresses the press in Wilkesboro, North Carolina.

Mark Robinson's principal advisor opts to step down after CNN's disclosure

Brian LiVecchi, serving as Robinson's chief of staff and legal advisor, is set to step down within the upcoming week, as revealed by an insider source. This resignation follows a string of prominent exits from Robinson's staff, triggered by CNN's report released last week.

Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina, experienced a mass exodus of his campaign staff on Sunday. Among those who left were the campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, finance director, as well as the senior advisor and general consultant.

According to reports by The New York Times and WRAL on Wednesday, Robinson's policy director, communications director, and director of government affairs also resigned. CNN has attempted to contact these individuals, but has yet to receive a response.

Robinson introduced his new chief of staff on Thursday morning, promoting Krishana Polite from her role as deputy chief of staff to the top position.

Unveiled in Robinson's public profile on Nude Africa were his racially charged comments, discussing himself as a "black Nazi," recollecting his past habit of peeping on women at a gym when he was 14 years old, and expressing endorsement for the reinstitution of slavery.

Robinson publicly displayed his full name and an email address he frequently used across multiple websites on Nude Africa's platform.

During an interview with CNN last week, Robinson repeatedly denied making the comments on Nude Africa. When confronted with a wealth of evidence connecting him to the Nude Africa user name, Robinson responded, "This isn't us. These aren't our words. And this is not characteristic of me." Upon being presented with the exhaustive list of evidence implicating him, Robinson countered, "I won't delve into the intricate details of how this salacious tabloid fabrication was produced."

Robinson's resignation in politics has caused a significant upheaval in his campaign staff, leading to several prominent exits. The political fallout from the controversial comments he made on Nude Africa continues to shape the narrative around his campaign.

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