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Marjorie Taylor Greene identifies Laura Loomer's extremist discourse as a significant issue that doesn't align with the MAGA movement.

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced worries on Thursday about Laura Loomer's discourse, claiming it carries a worrying and damaging tone and doesn't accurately reflect the overall philosophy of MAGA.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and conservative activist Laura Loomer.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and conservative activist Laura Loomer.

Marjorie Taylor Greene identifies Laura Loomer's extremist discourse as a significant issue that doesn't align with the MAGA movement.

Greene, a Republican from Georgia with her own history of contentious and aggressive comments, reacted after the congresswoman urged Loomer to eliminate a post on X where Loomer said that if Harris, who is half Indian, wins, the White House will have a curry aroma and speeches will be moderated through a call center. Greene deemed the post extremely racist and stated on X, "This doesn't reflect President Trump."

When questioned by CNN's Raju if she would encourage Trump to distance himself from Loomer, Greene responded, "This is a vital election. I don't think she possesses the competence or the right mindset to advise a crucial presidential election."

This situation serves as a sign of the split among the far-right as the presidential election approaches, revealing tension and divisions among Trump supporters regarding how the Republican Party and its presidential nominee should approach voters.

Trump seems to be struggling with the swiftly changing and complex political landscape, which was disrupted by Harris's nomination as the Democratic presidential nominee. As a result, Trump has released a series of harsh and derogatory statements, racial slurs, and baseless theories that some close allies and donors have deemed counterproductive in recent days.

Loomer has accompanied Trump on a few journeys, frequently attends events where he speaks, and on many occasions, her controversial social media posts appear to foreshadow Trump's next attack line.

Loomer responded to CNN about the post: "It's intriguing how the media tries to falsely accuse me of being racist again. This woman who is on video cooking Indian food and talking about her fondness for curry with Indian celebrities."

Regarding Loomer, Greene mentioned, "I have concerns about her rhetoric and her hostile tone. She often attacks Republicans like me, and other strong Trump supporters with a hateful attitude. This doesn't represent MAGA as a whole."

Greene added, "I decided it was time to speak up. I think it's wrong. We're not a party of identity politics. We should focus on policy, not attacking people based on their race."

Greene claimed she has shared her concerns with Trump, but she declined to disclose the details of their personal conversation.

Greene has also faced criticism for her racially charged and aggressive remarks throughout her political career.

Crockett, a Democratic Representative, criticized Greene, labeling her as "racist" following a tense congressional meeting that quickly deteriorated into personal attacks. Greene commented on Crockett's appearance during the meeting. "I think your fake eyelashes are interfering with what you're reading," Greene said.

Crockett explained to reporters, "It's plain racism. She chose to be openly racist against me yesterday."

When asked by CNN's Phillip why she considered Greene's comments racist, Crockett said Greene was repeating racist comments she frequently hears from MAGA supporters online and felt she was singled out as a Black woman due to her eyelashes.

Greene's office responded at the time by saying, "The only member who mentioned any reference to color was congresswoman Crockett."

Democrats, along with some Republicans, voted in 2021 to remove Greene from her committee assignments when they controlled the House chamber due to her history of incendiary and violent past comments that sparked widespread backlash from Democrats and split congressional Republicans.

Greene defended herself ahead of the vote on the House floor, attempting to distance herself from the harmful and debunked QAnon conspiracy theory, which she had previously endorsed.

In the midst of the political divide, Greene expressed concern about Loomer's rhetoric, stating, "Her hostile tone and frequent attacks on Republicans don't reflect MAGA as a whole."

During a tense congressional meeting, Greene's comment about Crockett's fake eyelashes was critiqued as racially charged, leading to accusations of racism towards the Democratic Representative.

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