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"Many have lost confidence": Olaf Scholz draws lessons from the European elections

The SPD achieved a historically poor result in the European elections. Now Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is speaking out in favor of strengthening security and confidence.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) makes the result of the European elections one of the topics...
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) makes the result of the European elections one of the topics of his government statement

Government statement - "Many have lost confidence": Olaf Scholz draws lessons from the European elections

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) admitted to a trust crisis in German politics. "Constant crisis experiences have shaken trust, that much is clear," Scholz said in a government statement in the Bundestag in Berlin on Wednesday. There is currently a "competition with populists and extremists who misuse the concerns of citizens for their own purposes," the Chancellor stated. The politics must face the challenge of countering insecurity: "What we need to do is strengthen security – security at home and abroad."

The theme of security will be a "clear priority" in the budget proposal for the coming year, which the coalition will present in July, Scholz announced in the government statement regarding the upcoming EU and NATO summits. "Without security, everything is nothing – and we will make that clear with what we bring here."

Scholz described the result of the European election, in which his party suffered a historically poor result, as a "turning point": The result showed that "it is quite clear that confidence has disappeared from many faces in the face of all the crises," he said. Therefore, there is a mandate for the government: "We must renew confidence where it is lacking."

Scholz against cuts in social welfare

Scholz rejected cuts in social welfare because it would come at the expense of social cohesion: "There should be no cuts in social justice, health, care or pensions." The goal of the government should be to make the economy grow faster – because the state has more room for maneuver, "when the cake grows bigger."

Therefore, Scholz's coalition will bring a "growth turbo" with them along with the budget proposal, he said. There are "very collegial discussions in the federal government," the Chancellor added – and received laughter from the opposition for this.

The Chancellor warned earnestly against distribution debates – the focus should be much rather on conjunctural stimulus. Scholz lamented the "unbelievable spread of zero-sum thinking." This would only "lead to envy and resentment and not to unity."

  1. On the occasion of the budget proposal for the next year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that the theme of security will be a "clear priority", stating that "Without security, everything is nothing – and we will make that clear with what we bring here" in reference to the upcoming EU and NATO summits.
  2. In the face of historically poor results in the European election, Chancellor Scholz described the election outcome as a "turning point" and identified a mandate for the government, stating "We must renew confidence where it is lacking".
  3. Rejecting cuts in social welfare, Chancellor Scholz emphasized that "There should be no cuts in social justice, health, care or pensions" as it would come at the expense of social cohesion and lead to envy and resentment, rather than unity. Thus, Scholz's coalition will bring a "growth turbo" with them along with the budget proposal to stimulate economic growth and provide more room for government maneuver.

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