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Man with over three per mille at the wheel causes accident

At the edge of Dresden Heath, a drunk driver sustains severe injuries in an accident. Another driver is lightly wounded. Exactly how did the accident occur?

The accident occurred shortly behind the town exit Radeberg, as the police reported.
The accident occurred shortly behind the town exit Radeberg, as the police reported.

Unfalle - Man with over three per mille at the wheel causes accident

A drunk man drove into an car with over 3.1 Per mille (0.031%) and sustained heavy injuries. The 26-year-old woman driver of the second car suffered light injuries in the accident on Sunday afternoon, as the police reported.

The 26-year-old had braked short of the Radeberg town exit (near Dresden), as a cyclist was riding in front of her. The 32-year-old then rammed his car into the car of the woman from behind.

According to the police report, the officers detected alcohol fumes from the man. A test showed approximately 3.1 Per mille. The officers ordered a blood draw and revoked his driving license.

The police are investigating whether the Automatic traffic light system in Saxony could have prevented the severe accident. Despite braking, the 32-year-old man unfortunately experienced a traffic accident due to his intoxication.

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