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Man seeks to detonate his parents - conclusive verdict

House gas pipe sabotaged

The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe found no legal errors in the judgment against the man.
The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe found no legal errors in the judgment against the man.

Man seeks to detonate his parents - conclusive verdict

In Lower Saxony, a 32-year-old guy meddled with the gas lines of his parents' house with the aim of executing them. Despite intricate planning, there was no explosion. The verdict against the man has been affirmed by the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe.

The man was given an eight and a half year prison sentence by the Stade District Court for attempted murder, a decision that is now considered legally binding following the Federal Court of Justice's announcement. The court found that the man, in financial straits, aimed to off his parents by destroying their residence in the Hollern-Twielenfleth community.

In September 2022, he loosened a screw in the gas connection in the basement of his parents' house. Gas started to leak, and he built an ignition device to create a delay for the gas-air mixture and trigger an explosion. Moreover, he plugged the sewer drain with a wet rag to prevent gas from entering the living areas and to prevent anyone from noticing the smell.

Regrettably, the explosion did not occur: At the time the ignition device was set off, based on the judgement, a ignitable gas-air mixture was not present in the vicinity of the ignition device.

The trial took place in August 2023, and the verdict was handed down in December. The court deemed the man guilty not only of double attempted murder but also of attempting to create an explosive substance explosion resulting in death. The man contested the decision, appealing to the Federal Court of Justice for a review, but the court found no legal errors in his favor. As a result, the Stade court's judgement remains valid.

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