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Majority see citizen's income as an incentive not to work

The Citizen's Income will be increased on January 1. Will it still be worth working then? A majority of the population does not think so. Supporters of two parties are particularly critical of the increase.

The Citizen's Income will be increased on January
The Citizen's Income will be increased on January

Majority see citizen's income as an incentive not to work

64 percent of the population fear that people could decide against regular employment due to the increase in the Citizen's Income on January 1. This is the result of a survey conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the magazine "Stern".

Supporters of the AfD and the CDU/CSU are particularly critical of the increase in the citizen's income. 86% and 78% of them respectively believe that it would hardly be worthwhile pursuing a job as a result. FDP (60%) and SPD (54%) voters also fear that the incentive to work will decrease. Only the majority of Green Party supporters do not share this view. Only 27% of them see the increase in the citizen's income in the coming year as an incentive not to work. For the survey, the institute interviewed 1009 people between 16 and 17 November.

At the start of 2024, the Citizen's Income for more than five million adults and children on basic income support will increase by around twelve percent on average. As with Hartz IV in the past, the standard rate will be adjusted annually in line with prices and wages. For single people, the Citizen's Income will be increased by 61 to 563 euros as of January 1.

The survey reveals that a significant portion of the population, including FDP and SPD voters, are concerned that the increase in Citizen's Income could reduce the incentive to work. The opponents of Citizen's Income, such as the AfD and CDU/CSU, strongly believe that this increase could make employment less attractive.




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