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Macron will form a new government only after Olympia

After the anticipated parliamentary elections, France is seeking a government majority. However, President Macron intends to focus on something else first.

Macron will political factions find compromises.
Macron will political factions find compromises.

government search in France - Macron will form a new government only after Olympia

French President Emmanuel Macron will at latest after the end of the Olympics in his country appoint a new Prime Minister. "It is our responsibility that the Games go well," Macron said in the evening on France 2. "It is clear that we are not in a situation where we can change things before mid-August, as we would create chaos."

The previously governing center-right government of Macron's camp is to continue its business operations. Afterwards, it will be his responsibility, depending on the progress of the talks, to appoint a new Prime Minister, Macron said.

The left-wing New Popular Front alliance surprised everyone in the recently advanced Parliamentary elections two weeks ago. Macron's center forces dropped to second place, the right-wing Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen came in third. None of the camps have an absolute majority in the National Assembly. It is still unclear what a government could look like.

Macron calls for compromises

The French president called on the various political camps once again to find ways for cooperation. The French were expecting them to come together, as they had already done before the second round of voting to prevent the victory of the Right-National.

Less than an hour before Macron's television appearance, the left-wing alliance of Socialists, Greens, Communists, and the Left Party La France Insoumise had proposed Lucie Castet, a civil servant of the higher service, as Prime Minister. Macron, however, said it was not about a specific name. "The question is which majority can develop in the National Assembly to enable a French government to implement reforms, pass a budget, and move the country forward?"

When asked if Macron would consider resigning as President in the face of continuing political chaos in France, he said, "The French have entrusted me with a mandate. I will fulfill it in its entirety."

  1. Despite the upcoming Parliament election following the Olympic Games in France, President Emmanuel Macron has stated that he will appoint a new Prime Minister after the conclusion of the Olympics.
  2. The Olympic Games in France are taking place under the leadership of President Macron, who emphasized the importance of ensuring the events run smoothly despite the political uncertainty.
  3. In the recent Parliamentary elections, the left-wing New Popular Front alliance surprised everyone by securing a significant number of seats, causing a power shift in the French Parliament.
  4. In light of the uncertain situation in the French Parliament, President Macron has urged all political camps to collaborate and find common ground, as they did before the second round of voting to prevent the right-wing victory.
  5. Despite calls for his resignation due to political chaos in France, President Macron has reaffirmed his commitment to fulfilling his mandate, having been entrusted with it by the French people.

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