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Macron revisits the topic of establishing a new government once more.

For the past two days, President Macron has been endeavoring to establish a stable administration with party leaders, yet without achieving any success. He remains hopeful for future gatherings, albeit not all attendees are consistently present.

Currently, there's still uncertainty about the potential form of a French government.
Currently, there's still uncertainty about the potential form of a French government.

- Macron revisits the topic of establishing a new government once more.

Following Emmanuel Macron's decision to abandon a left-wing alliance government, he's still engaging in exploratory talks. Recent reports suggest that Macron met with representatives from the tiny centrist faction LIOT at the Élysée Palace.

Conversations with the conservatives are set for Wednesday. Post these casual discussions with various parties and individuals, Macron plans to select a fresh Premier Minister.

However, the question of how a government can be assembled remains murky. Macron has been rejected by the Socialists and the Greens for additional negotiations. Marine Tondelier, Green Party leader, bluntly stated on France Info, "We won't partake in this circus, these mock consultations anymore." Olivier Faure, Socialist leader, echoed these sentiments on France 2, stating, "I decline to be an accessory to this facade of democracy." Fabien Roussel, Communist leader, simply stated, "There's no point in us participating."

In the recent parliamentary elections, the left alliance Nouveau Front Populaire, which includes Greens, Socialists, Communists, and La France Insoumise (LFI), emerged victorious - overtaking Macron's centrists and the far-right nationalists led by Marine Le Pen. No political group managed to secure a majority in the National Assembly, making the process of forming a government arduous. The left alliance has repeatedly asserted its right to govern.

On Monday evening, Macron dismissed the idea of a Nouveau Front Populaire government. Establishing a government solely based on Nouveau Front Populaire's program and parties would promptly face a no-confidence vote in the National Assembly. Macron implored the Socialists, Greens, and Communists to propose methods of collaborating with other groups. Cooperation with LFI has been previously disregarded by his camp.

Despite Macron's dismissal of a Nouveau Front Populaire government, discussions about potential coalition partners continue. The upcoming election for the Premier Minister is crucial, as it could determine the country's political direction post-elections. The complexity of forming a coalition government remains an ongoing challenge after the left alliance's victory in the recent elections.

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