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Macron gives Ukraine a surprise with fighter jet assistance.

Paris sends Kiev Mirage 2000-5 aircraft

It has not yet been announced how many of the fighter jets Kiev will receive.
It has not yet been announced how many of the fighter jets Kiev will receive.

Macron gives Ukraine a surprise with fighter jet assistance.

France's President Macron reveals intent to send Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Ukraine during a TV interview. Delivery and training programs are slated to commence shortly, set to conclude in the latter half of 2021. However, certain elements remain ambiguous.

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, recently took viewers by surprise with his statement regarding the planned transfer of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Ukraine, stating in a BFMTV appearance: "We will start a new cooperation and announce the delivery of Mirage 2000-5 tomorrow. These are French fighter jets that will allow Ukraine to secure its territory and airspace."

In a twist, Macron neglected to specify the exact number of Mirage 2000-5 aircraft to be given to Kiev. The French President added that coalition-building efforts amongst partners are underway, intending to prepare for pilots' training, which will span five or six months starting next summer. By the close of the year, the aircraft should then be prepared for deployment.

Prior to this, Mirage fighter jets had played a minimal role in negotiations concerning arms shipments. While the first Mirage aircraft were commissioned in the '80s, the Mirage 2000-5 version came to fruition in the '90s.

Should the Mirage 2000-5 aircraft indeed be operated at the front lines by year's end, this occurrence could potentially assist Ukraine - contingent upon quantity - as initiatives to provide F-16 fighter jets have encountered roadblocks. Recent intel from "Politico" indicates that just 20 Ukrainian pilots are expected to complete their training this year, amidst concerns about the time-consuming and costly training process.

Read also:

France's announcement of arms delivery to Ukraine increases tension amidst ongoing Wars and conflicts, as President Macron agrees to send Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Ukraine, following an attack on Ukraine. Depending on the quantity of planes delivered, this could potentially strengthen Ukraine's defense against the attack, as efforts to provide F-16 fighter jets have faced challenges.


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