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Lutherhouse provides rescue of exhibits in an emergency

What needs to be done to evacuate a museum with exhibits? This was rehearsed over several days at the Lutherhaus in Mansfeld.

In Mansfeld's Lutherhouse, an emergency was simulated: How was it proceeded when valuable art had...
In Mansfeld's Lutherhouse, an emergency was simulated: How was it proceeded when valuable art had to be rescued? (Archive image)

Museums - Lutherhouse provides rescue of exhibits in an emergency

The Luther House in Mansfeld practiced the rescue of valuable art in an emergency. In a simulated evacuation scenario, the Ten Commandments Table by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) was secured, according to the Luther Museums. This was achieved by removing the metal frame and moving the table with its glazing on rollers.

The exercise lasted several days. It took place in cooperation with the Wittenberg Disaster Control, it was stated. Most of the exhibits in the museum in the Mansfeld-Sudharz district were not on site due to renovation work. However, due to its size of 1.58 x 3.35 meters, the Ten Commandments Table had to remain in the museum. The exercise therefore offered itself.

The goal was also to optimize processes for emergency situations. The table was created in 1516. Cranach the Elder and his workshop painted it for the courtroom of the Wittenberg Town Hall.

  1. Despite the ongoing renovation work in the Mansfeld-Sudharz district, the Luther Museums decided to conduct emergency drills for the preservation of valuable artworks, such as the Ten Commandments Table by Lucas Cranach the Elder, which is usually housed in the museum.
  2. The rescue operation during the simulated emergency was a collaborative effort between the Luther House in Mansfeld and the Wittenberg Disaster Control, demonstrating the importance of cooperation in such situations.
  3. The Ten Commandments Table by Lucas Cranach the Elder, an iconic piece of Art from Saxony-Anhalt, is not only an essential exhibit for the Luther Museums but also a significant example of the religious Art of the Renaissance period in Mansfeld.
  4. In addition to securing valuable artworks like the Ten Commandments Table, the emergency drills aimed to enhance the procedural efficiency in the event of future emergencies, ensuring the safety and preservation of the Exhibitions in Mansfeld's Museums.

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