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Lufthansa to avoid airspace over Iran and Iraq until August 21

Safety risk in the Middle East

Lufthansa avoids Iranian and Iraqi airspace until August 21
Lufthansa avoids Iranian and Iraqi airspace until August 21

Lufthansa to avoid airspace over Iran and Iraq until August 21

In light of an impending further escalation in the Middle East, Lufthansa will now avoid Iranian and Iraqi airspace entirely until August 21. The company has also extended the suspension of flights to Tel Aviv in Israel, Beirut in Lebanon, Tehran in Iran, Amman in Jordan, and Erbil in northern Iraq until the same date, as it announced. Lufthansa includes airlines such as Eurowings, Austrian Airlines, Swiss, and Brussels Airlines.

After the deadly attack in Tehran on the political chief of the radical Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, Iran has threatened retaliation. The United States, Israel's closest ally, has therefore reinforced its military presence in the region by sending more warships and fighter jets.

The conflict in the Middle East has recently escalated significantly following the killing of Haniyeh in Tehran and the military chief of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia, Fuad Shukr, in Lebanon at the end of July. Hamas and Iran blame Israel for these actions. Iran and Hezbollah have since threatened retaliation.

Due to these recent threats of retaliation by Iran and Hezbollah, it's crucial for airlines to avoid potential disruptions in the airspace. Thus, companies like Lufthansa are refraining from using Iranian and Iraqi airspace until August 21.

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